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  1. #1

    One for your kids....

    My wife Chrissie is a teacher....she loves this next time you have the kids in the car..try this one with them.....I think it will be a lot of fun....and.....have a great day!!

  2. #2

    One for your kids....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tishimself View Post
    My wife Chrissie is a teacher....she loves this next time you have the kids in the car..try this one with them.....I think it will be a lot of fun....and.....have a great day!!

    Relaxation just posted this I don't really understand the meaning LOL

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Wendi View Post
    Relaxation just posted this I don't really understand the meaning LOL
    I'm not sure of the meaning either...but my niece and nephew love it...LOL...

  4. #4
    What the fox say?



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