There is all ways the comment..., "it rides as good as, or better than a Schiada"...Schiada has been the top of the bench mark and the reference point for quite some self, I have personal own'd a few...howard 21 rc, schiada 21rc V drive twin turbo, schiada 500hp 21 rt, 21' vector, and quite a few 210 hallets,...
just my testimony , but the 21'Schiada v Drive, was hands down the best 21'r I ever owned,... now, I don't know how the 21' schiada as an out drive boat compares , but would love to find out...for me ... the draw back on the V drive, is the user friendly part around the docks.... you can get into trouble real quick with the wind blowing at a crowded boat ramp,... made my wife(she's the one that drives the boat to the trailer) nervous... and put a lot of stress on my self watching her getting close to other boats as they would not give up right of way and cut right in front of her...I would usually have her stand in the water, way off to the side and hold the boat, and then walk it on the trailer..