Around 5 years ago this week, unbeknownst to me, went live, lol. This is the reason I'm member #33 or so. We had some issues that day/night (Oct 19th 2012 I believe) so the site was on and off for about a week.

I still remember the surprise when WMC and Wendi who happened to be at my home that night, told me to login to the site. Shit, it was up and running lol.

Many good times, and many sad times, over these past 5 years. But overall no regrets about attempting to bring the site back to life. Even though its somewhat on life support these days lol. I do have regrets about some of the business decisions that we made, and if I had it to do all over again I would definitely not have gone that route. Friends, who want to remain friends, should not get in to business together. Live and learn right.

Big surprise, there will not be a big party anywhere. There will be no meet up at the river or lake. There will be no 5yr celebration. I, however, will raise a glass tonight in memory of the good times and in memory of good friends and family.

I do not know the fate of this place. All I can say for certain is I love boating. I love boating people. I love boating events. And I love to take pics of boats doing anything. From sitting on their trailer to blasting down the track at 250+MPH. For that reason, I will do my best to keep this place up and running.

It really is up to you all to keep it alive.

Cheers to another 5 years