Such a senseless and tragic night in Las Vegas last night. I can't even begin to think how those people felt after realizing they were being shot at by a piece of shit sniper out of a hotel window far above them. This (apparent no body) apparently knew exactly what he was going to do and how he was going to do it.

I don't care how irrelevant you are, committing such a heinous crime should not have ended with this piece of shit taking his own life. It should have ended with him being skinned alive. There is no punishment too harsh for such an evil and deranged individual. I will not call this individual a human being, because he was not human. I will not say him name, because he will not live in infamy as far as I'm concerned. I believe in heaven, so by default I believe in hell. I can only hope that this piece of shit has already stated to serve his lifetime sentence in hell and is roasting in his own juices, as he will on a daily basis, until the end of time.

God speed to those who so tragically lost their lives, may they rest in peace. And to those who were wounded, speedy healing and recovery both physically and mentally.