Ten Years!
I haven't had a marriage last that long, and I've been married twice!!
I'm thinking it's just time to plain old replace the pump. When you do go through the fuel system check filters, the float bowls on the carb for any crap that might have made it's way through the system. If thing seem clear and clean, spring for a new pump. If not it time to look thing over closely.

The carter pump has a chamber were the fuel circulates to prevent the pump from running up against itself. So no, using this pump would be a simple remove and replace procedure, no need for any additional lines.

Good luck...


Quote Originally Posted by Pro-Tour69 View Post
One other question about the Carter pump. reading through the instructions online, it looks like the fuel lines are hook up just like a Holley. In from the tank and out to the carb/regulator. Hyperpasta, you said the pump is internally able to return fuel when not needed to eliminate the dead head scenario and so my question is it is able to do this without any additional fuel lines added to the system? I cannot find anything in the installation manual showing a return line so just replacing the pump would give me return line capability and I could leave all the current plumbing alone.

Would this be correct??

Thanks again.