Sorry my mistake, I thought this was a recreational boating forum -- apparently not -- not with barely 100 views and not a single comment posted about the controversy over proposed new no wake zones in the Havasu Refuge by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This fight isn't just about new no wake zones -- it's about a government agency not following their own rules about how the process should be handled and attempting to jam through boating restrictions without mandated notification or proper public input. If this draft CD sails through and is implemented, there's virtually nothing that stands in the way to prevent the Service from eventually turning the entire 17.5 mile Refuge main channel into a no wake zone. And what may come next? -- probably boat capacity (total number of boats allowed on the lake) and speed limits. Sorry this issue didn't strike a responsive chord with this forum crowd. Fortunately over 1,000 boaters did turn out at the public meetings in Havasu and at the Avi. At least we used the opportunity to air our views. Will it do any good? We'll have to wait and see.