So, I'm turning 40 in less than a month and I'm unusually (not unusual for me though) absolutely thrilled. I know with age comes wisdom and every wrinkle I have, I've earned.

Each decade in my life has had a different meaning. My 20s were all about my education and achieving my career goals. I was a woman on a mission and nothing could stop me.

My thirties were all about life learning lessons (some sucked balls) and tremendous heartache. I lost a lot, but gained much more invaluable, intangible things. I walk away with the greatest lesson learned, hold on tight to my beliefs while still being capable of letting go. RELAX WOMAN!! Still working on the relaxing part

Now, I'm eager to leap into my 40s. For some strange reason, I'm under the impression that on August 18, I'm going to be receiving my Welcome to Your 40's membership card that comes with awesome perks.

I know some of you are older and wiser than I I'm curious what, if anything, changed for you in your 40's, 50's etc...

Sent from my newly renovated Bat Cave