Time for everyone to get this one on their event calendar -- the 4th Annual Havasu Hot Boat Show and Shine, Saturday, November 21, 2015 at Lake Havasu State Park, Windsor 4. This will again be a featured part of the Sand-Water-RV Expo with all kinds of cool outdoor recreational motorsports displays plus food vendors and beer garden. Looking to fill 50 slots for custom/restored hot boats (pre-1990, flatties, hydros, jets and outboards, 24' and under). This is a free event -- all you need to do is register (here's the online form -- http://www.sandandwaterexpo.com/show...plication.html). Every entry gets a free souvenir T-shirt plus a swag bag with lots of goodies. All boats will be on the grass/greenbelt (plenty of room for chairs and EZ-Ups). This is also a judged competition with trophies and more awards to the winners in each class. More info available http://www.sandandwaterexpo.com or call 951-501-0210. Please register early, don't get left out -- 50 boats is the limit!