Quote Originally Posted by 2manymustangs View Post

Many many killings were done after some factions of the "Church" decided that they could / should / were called to kill/murder in the name of Christ/God... THis was not ALL followers of Christ but only a select few factions...
All the "religion" conflicts, including those today, pale in comparison of the wars fought 18th, 19th, 20th centuries. Virtually none of which had ANYTHING to do with religion,

Consider this, in one night in Tokyo Japan, 150,000(our estimate) to 350,000(the worlds estimate) died in a single night. And we did it. Thee bombs were childs play compared to that.

Christianity stated rough 4AD, Islam rough the 7th century AD. All of the deaths due to both is a mere drop compared to Alexander the Great, Khan, and the Romans before either religion began.

Blaming religion is only due to what people see TODAY.