tom did you finish this, was it a sst, was the intake lower the sponsons and how did it do speed wise
 Originally Posted by hihosilver
tom did you finish this, was it a sst, was the intake lower the sponsons and how did it do speed wise
Still working on this project , working from my Ipad so more pics of the contruction later this weekend Tom
More progress from this week ...

the guy didn't want full length stringers? was hoping you opened up the floor, is there drains in front of bilge?
 Originally Posted by hihosilver
the guy didn't want full length stringers? was hoping you opened up the floor, is there drains in front of bilge?
We opted to do this this way as we deduced that there was significant lengthwise structure in the hull by shear design (tunnels)
how far down was intake in relation to outer sponsons as mine is sucked up and sponsons lower, are you doing ride plate and shoe would like to see pics if possible, thanks
 Originally Posted by hihosilver
how far down was intake in relation to outer sponsons as mine is sucked up and sponsons lower, are you doing ride plate and shoe would like to see pics if possible, thanks
We will know better later today as we are resetting the intake and yes Josh has repaired it and will be adding a JBP shoe and rideplate additionally
heres another in the line of progress ...
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