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  1. #71

    Luciferous word of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotboat View Post

    Culturally induced ignorance or doubt. Publication of inaccurate information.

    The agnoiology on the Internet is rampant. Hopefully, agnotology will help explain this behavior.

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  2. #72
    Senior Member SBS933's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Socialist Republic of California
    I knew my neighbor was Agnostic
    Believe 1/2 of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Eli View Post
    Only YOU would do something like that...and admit to doing it.

    Sent from my Bat Cave
    I resemble that remark!

  4. #74
    Acute Angina

    Eli had acute angina, which is good because her tits look like hell.

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by HolyMoly View Post
    Acute Angina

    Eli had acute angina, which is good because her tits look like hell.
    I see how it is...careful "buddy" one kick and you're down. It's not much of a fall, but it still counts.

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  6. #76

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  7. #77
    Where's Kachina26 when I need him?

  8. #78
    In this letter, I will try to describe Mr. HolyMoly's ipse dixits in such a way that my language will not offend and yet will still convey my message that we are nearing a synthesis of anti-intellectualism and conspiracism into a satanic propagandism that will produce a large number of utterly directionless extravagancies, most pertinacious indecencies, and, above all, the most raucous blasphemies against everything that I hold most sacred and most dear. It may help if I begin my discussion by relating an innocuous story in order to illustrate my point: A few days ago I was arguing with a bloodthirsty fast-talker who was insisting that society is screaming for HolyMoly's calumnies. I tried to convince this costive, subhuman demagogue that when I say that of particular interest to me is the way that HolyMoly continuously denies that by supporting reckless despots with inferior moral standards, we devalue ourselves, the lives of our children, and the heroes who died for our freedoms, this does not, I repeat, does not mean that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever his personal interests are at stake. This is a common fallacy held by lewd, rancorous mobocrats. Although this letter provides irrefutable proof that what we are dealing with here is fashion, politics, and money, I know that HolyMoly will still accuse me of lying. I suppose that's okay as long as I can convince you, the reader, that HolyMoly is good at stirring his apostles into a frenzied lunacy of hatred and vengeance. Doing so blinds them to the fact that he maintains a “Big Brother” dossier of information about everyone he distrusts to use as a potential career-ruining weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? The answer has two parts to it. The first part regards the manner in which HolyMoly owes us all a big apology. The second part of the answer is focused on the the way that HolyMoly has stated that you and I are objects for him to use then casually throw away and forget like old newsprint that's performed its duty catching bird droppings. I, hardheaded cynic that I am, find such declaratory statements quite telling. They tell me that I would like to believe that HolyMoly acts with our interests in mind. I really would. But HolyMoly sure makes it difficult to believe such things. For instance, he will probably throw another hissy fit if we don't let him con us into believing that he is a voice of probity. At least putting up with another HolyMoly hissy fit is easier than convincing HolyMoly's fans that HolyMoly probably regrets stating publicly that bad things “just happen” (i.e., they're not caused by HolyMoly himself). Although we can attribute that inconsiderate comment to a bout of foot-in-mouth disease, we should agree on definitions before saying anything further about HolyMoly's unctuous outbursts. For starters, let's say that “presentism” is “that which makes HolyMoly yearn to lead us, lemminglike, over the precipice of self-destruction.”

    We were put on this planet to be active, to struggle, and to offer true constructive criticism—listening to the whole issue, recognizing the problems, recognizing what is being done right, and getting involved to help remedy the problem. We were not put here to have more impact on Earth's biological, geological, and chemical systems during our lifetime and our children's than all preceding human generations had together, as HolyMoly might insist. His commentaries are totally meaningless. That is, they usually begin by saying something about how I'm too diversivolent to uplift individuals and communities on a global scale to develop an alternative community, a cohesive and comprehensive underground with a charter to refute his arguments line-by-line and claim-by-claim, and then they continue on with a random assortment of tacked-on phrases until they finally slam into a period. HolyMoly's commentaries would be a lot clearer if HolyMoly simply came out and said that his ploys are a house of mirrors. How are we to find the opening that leads to freedom? After days of agonized pondering and reflection I finally came to the conclusion that he appears to have found a new tool to use to help him glorify slatternly, suppressive, murderous governments as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities. That tool is Comstockism, and if you watch him wield it you'll surely see why I have a scientist's respect for objective truth. That's why I'm telling you that HolyMoly speaks like a true defender of the status quo—a status quo, we should not forget, that enables him to rip apart causes that others feel strongly about.

    HolyMoly contends that two wrongs make a right. Sounds rather vexatious, doesn't it? Well, that's HolyMoly for you. Irreligionism can be deadly but HolyMoly's grievances are much worse. Once people obtain the critical skills that enable them to think and reflect and speculate independently, they'll realize that HolyMoly's older lamentations were irritable enough. His latest ones are honestly beyond the pale. I'll end this letter with a personal invitation to Mr. HolyMoly himself: If you care to respond to what I wrote, please do, especially if you think that I am being inaccurate or unfair. I do not wish to misrepresent you in any way whatsoever. Pax vobiscum.

  9. #79
    Back in og hb days, kachina26 found a complaint generator. I used it for the above post. It is here

    While the complaints are mildly amusing as they tend to be over the top mean, conspiracy laden, and have extensive use of large words...the humor part truly lies in people not recognizing that it is random...And they take it personal. They really have to make the conscious decision to be bothered by something that is random.

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by HolyMoly View Post
    Where's Kachina26 when I need him?
    He's around here and there. Feel free to call him out.



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