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  1. #1

    New twin helm deck by Interceptor

    Just wanted to share whats been going on with Interceptor Custom Boats. Since we acquired the Eliminator Fun deck mold we have built two boats and have had a great response, but most everyone asks if we offer a twin helm version. My response was always not yet, so now we are in the tooling process of building a twin helm deck. Here are a few photos of the process. We actually used and modified the original deck since we like how open and roomy it was. The bottom running surface was not changed and only the shear line was raised as well as the transom to accommodate a higher X dimension. As we designed this boat we wanted to make sure it stayed a deck boat and kept the versatility as well as the open space. We will be offering this boat in a couple different configurations, 1) will have an L shaped seating design like the original so you do not loose any seating 2) will have two forward facing bucket seats 3) A full hatch version will also be available. The first two bottoms have already been built awaiting the new deck. The first one is slated to hit the water in September. We are also tooling a 25' version that will debut early next year. Sorry pics are not in order.

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  2. #2
    Very cool Chris. Please keep us updated.

  3. #3
    Here are some recent photos of our new Kool Kat 2 deck boat plug. We just finished wet sanding with 2000 and we are starting to polish it. The next step is to start laying lots of fiber glass.

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  4. #4
    it looks alot like the Hallet deck. nice looking boat

  5. #5
    Wow I completely missed this. Not many people doing plugs these days, good for you guys. And it looks real good too.

  6. #6
    Senior Member riverrunner1984's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    None of your business
    Quote Originally Posted by icb1 View Post
    Here are some recent photos of our new Kool Kat 2 deck boat plug. We just finished wet sanding with 2000 and we are starting to polish it. The next step is to start laying lots of fiber glass.
    Any progress pics on this build???
    I am interested to see what has been done in the past month.

  7. #7
    Sorry for the delays just been really busy wrapping this project up so we can start the next one. Here are some progress pictures of us laying up the mold.

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    Now that the layup is complete we are cleaning up all the edges and preparing the surface to install the steel cage.

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    Here we are fabricating and welding the cage.

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  8. #8
    hows it coming?

  9. #9
    any updates on the new hull??? very interested in seeing the final product. any more progress pics?

  10. #10
    Mold is complete and waxed, ready for the first part. We should be spraying by the end of next week but we have to finish the block outs for the interior layouts. We have also been tooling and making molds for the new Engine hatch, ski lockers, cup holders etc. Its been a lot of work but it will be worth it.

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