Low water and rain at Folsom Lake
I think it's fairly safe to say our season is over. The big storm we got yesterday caused the water level in the lake to go up 1 inch, we only need it to go up 110 more before it is full again. That's only 1,320 storms.
Senior Member
You never know. The way things are going back East it's possible the same thing could happen here.
 Originally Posted by GRADS
I think it's fairly safe to say our season is over. The big storm we got yesterday caused the water level in the lake to go up 1 inch, we only need it to go up 110 more before it is full again. That's only 1,320 storms.
Now you know how we feel when we only get an inch
Sent from my Bat Cave
 Originally Posted by Eli
Now you know how we feel when we only get an inch
Sent from my Bat Cave
I'm confused here.....are we talking about rain or your night with NiceGuyEddie?
Senior Member
What's this?? 
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lake is up 25' from the lowest point!
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by GRADS
Lake is up 25' from the lowest point!
That's crazy how much farther does it need to get to come back to "Normal"??
I would say another 40' would be normal for this time of year.....another 82' before it is full. Remember the higher it gets the bigger the surface area and the slower it fills. Right now its at 280,000 acre feet, 1,000,000 full.
 Originally Posted by GRADS
I would say another 40' would be normal for this time of year.....another 82' before it is full. Remember the higher it gets the bigger the surface area and the slower it fills. Right now its at 280,000 acre feet, 1,000,000 full.
How much more water bf we can stick a boat in it?
Sent from my Bat Cave
We can launch a boat now that it has risen. It needs to go up another 17' before they lift the 5 m.p.h. speed limit.
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