KAP, Well said and could not have expressed it any better myself. Thank you my friend for introducing me to LOTO and some wonderful people. LOTO and everyone I met were so kind and generous. It was an honor to meet everyone, especially, Mr. and Mrs HB, and Terry and Ann (a.k.a. crazyfish). It is an experience that every boater needs to attend, and if you think you know boating and have never been to LOTO, you definitely need to go and get the experience. It was an amazing experience and KAP taught me more in 4 days than what I thought I knew from a lifetime of boating. I hope to keep the wonderful relationships that I made while there and can't wait to go back. It was an honor to be Kap's wingman, and hope I did him and the 32 DW proud! I will never forget the 50 mile stretch at over 100mph+, I know that not any big boat can handle that! until next time!
Best wishes to HB and Crazyfish! keep in touch! ~ Garry (a.k.a. G-Rah)