So at this point the truck had raced a time or two and gone through the usual teething problems. The previous owner then ran SNORE's Battle at Primm in 2010 and finished somewhere in the top 10 out of over 50 starters despite a stock 4.0 motor and junkyard 5 speed manual, while I placed 4th in Class 12 with a pump gas motor, bus box trans and 101" wheelbase.

We then raced together in August at the MDR California 200, which Im sure many of you know the unfortunate story of.

After the 2011 SNORE Battle at Primm, there was a thread on another internet message board questioning the spirit of the 1450 class. For those that dont know, aside from the safety rules there are only two other rules including a metal cab as delivered and functioning metal doors. Everything else is open, meaning you can literally put a Ford Ranger cab on a tube chassis truck with a big horsepower V8. For whatever reason, I posted that I was willing to trade my buggy dubbed the Mini 12, spares and trailer for someones Ford 1450 truck. I didnt think anyone would actually take me up on the offer until I got a text from Mikey about his interest. We talked on the phone for over an hour going over everything from parts to spares to what was wrong, and a week later we met at Commerce Casino and signed over the pinks.