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  1. #81
    Senior Member niceguyeddie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gn7 View Post
    EDDIE, you what the REAL REASON?

    like I said, its no different than Mommie says Because!
    They treat taxpayers like the dipshit brain children that 99% are. They DESERVE abused if for no other reason than just being that stupid and gullible when they say "because"
    Well think about this. Most people in this country are in debt to their eyeballs and borrow and buy everything on credit. How are those people going to call out the government for pissing away money. Most of them can't even balance a checkbook.

  2. #82
    Why haven't you two brought up all the theft that goes with all county, state and city employees? I have friends that are cops, sanitation, firefighters, dwp, union pipe fitters, and so on. Every one of those picks always has some rubber gloves, trash bags, safety line, flashlights, etc. that they got from work on your dime. If one of my employees takes gloves, dust mask, toilet paper, soap, etc from my shop, they are fired! It's normal operation for public service employees to take anything they need. That shit really pisses my off.

  3. #83
    Member hallett21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niceguyeddie View Post
    If it's the reality of it, then keep the fire fighters ready and prepped at the station. Not at El Pollo Loco or Target.

    I know two people with company cars. They are sales reps for the same company and are required to wash their car once a week and turn the car in when maintenance is required.

    This is a situation that throws tax payer money away. So rather than just throw your hands in the air and say "ah fuck it. It is what it is", come up with a solution. If the FD was ran like a business it just let things be. It would find the fat each year and cut it while improving efficiency. Government doesn't do that it. They don't have to make tough decisions or loose sleep at night over their job. They get into a corner and go ask for more money.
    I agree with improving efficiency in anything. But I doubt guys getting groceries is what's taking them over the edge financially and I think you'd agree. It seems to me it's more of a piss off to people than anything. I think it's a piss off though because most people associate grocery shopping being something you do on the way home off duty. Everyone forgets that if an emergency happens they leave the groceries and go. If you get called in by your boss and your at the grocery store your going to finish your shopping.
    Also you can't assume they are coming from station to get groceries. They may be running a call then returning to station and on the way grabbing food.

  4. #84
    Senior Member niceguyeddie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallett21 View Post
    I agree with improving efficiency in anything. But I doubt guys getting groceries is what's taking them over the edge financially and I think you'd agree. It seems to me it's more of a piss off to people than anything. I think it's a piss off though because most people associate grocery shopping being something you do on the way home off duty. Everyone forgets that if an emergency happens they leave the groceries and go. If you get called in by your boss and your at the grocery store your going to finish your shopping.
    Also you can't assume they are coming from station to get groceries. They may be running a call then returning to station and on the way grabbing food.
    My customers are my boss. Therefore I'll leave depending on the severity of the situation. I do this all the time. I eat lunch at my desk most days because if I get a call, I want to be there ready to respond. Today was supposed to be a nice day off to work on my truck. Well I got a phone call at 8am telling me otherwise. I could've pushed it off to tomorrow, but that's not the way I do things. Work is work.

    I started to carry a case of bottled water in my car at all times. I not only found this to save time by not having to stop somewhere when I get thirsty, it saves me about 15- 25 a week by not paying $2- 3 a bottle at a gas station. There's always small ways to save money and make life easier. The average joe does them, why not government?

    So what if they make 3 attempts in one day to go to the store and get calls each time? They wasted all that time when one volunteer could've went or they could have went on their day off.... All the while the poor box boy at the store has to waste his time restocking three half full carts.
    Last edited by niceguyeddie; 02-18-2014 at 01:19 AM.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by hallett21 View Post
    Also you can't assume they are coming from station to get groceries. They may be running a call then returning to station and on the way grabbing food.
    Have another gulp of the kool aid.

  6. #86
    Member hallett21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gn7 View Post
    Have another gulp of the kool aid.
    Lol how can you argue that one way or the other? Your accusations seem to be made more on exaggerations and assumptions. I get that you don't like the fact the fire dept is going to the grocery store while on the clock. But as you did earlier, summing up their job as errand runners that do next to nothing isn't fair either.

    I agree with Nice Guy Eddie if there is room for improvement make the change. But be realistic in the change. Having a fire crew drive around in a Prius is stupid. Having volunteers clean the unit or grab groceries is a simple yet effective fix. Attempting to cut expenses by cutting into the quality of care firemen provide is also not the answer. There's something called the golden hour and any medical professional will tell you that you don't wanna start screwing with that

    Also the guys in the truck are there to do a job and do it well. 24/7 365. If you wanna put the blame on someone put it on the people who do the budgeting.

    Not sure I'm 100% sold on the volunteer gig only because if there is time to detail the unit meaning it's at station why wouldn't the crew who's on the clock do it? And if truly all they need a volunteer to do is get groceries then you probably will have a short line of people for that job. You gota give the volunteer more worth than grocery bitch.

  7. #87
    Ask yourself this Hallett. If tomorrow there was a city rule that NO fire trucks were to be used for anything other than responding to fires, which do you think would occur first. They would all starve to death in the station, or they would all be on strike until they get their Tonka truck back.. Lets me honest here. Are they spoiled privileged whiners, or dedicated civil servants they are paid to be.

    If the taxpayers put their foot down, and stopped drinking the kool aid they're passing out, what do you think their next move would be?
    Last edited by gn7; 02-18-2014 at 01:41 AM.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by gn7 View Post
    Ask yourself this Hallett. If tomorrow there was a city rule that NO fire trucks were to be used for anything other than responding to fires, which do you think would occur first. They would all starve to death in the station, or they would all be on strike until they get their Tonka truck back.. Lets me honest here. Are they spoiled privileged whiners, or dedicated civil servants they are paid to be.
    Fireman are not allowed to strike.

  9. #89
    If there are any firefighters on board I would just like you to know you guys do a great job. Whether its been a drug OD, a car though our house or a fire you have always been here promptly and I'm sorry if my call pulled you away from shopping.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Hye power View Post
    Fireman are not allowed to strike.
    Take another HUGE swallow. Their union, its the god given right to strike, Know happens if you take that right away? Yep, they go on STRIKE



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