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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    The frigid north of Silverdale, WA

    Here I go again, another build but this time a 21' Daytona

    Okay, to keep from somebody starting this build without me and likely spreading all sorts of lies about how I stole this boat from him ( ), I'll get this going.

    My good friend Proppy found a 1983 Eliminator Daytona with a big ol 300 horse whacker hanging off the back and brought it home. He and I talked for over a year with me poking at him to let me buy it from him so he could focus all his time and money on just one project (that I'm sure he will post up a build thread on here) and after a moment of insanity or out and out foolishness, he offered it to me for sale.

    Before he had a chance to say no, I grabbed my wife Jan and our less than 1 year old Austrailian Shepard, Sonny in the truck and off we headed making the regoddamndiculously long drive south from Washington down deep into California.

    Got down to Proppys place around 1 in the afternoon, swapped some good tires and wheels I brought with me and chatted for about an hour and though I would loved to have stayed longer, we really needed to get back home before work kicked off Monday morning so off we went around 3pm Saturday afternoon.

    Drove non stop only stopping for fuel & dog walks we pushed thru California into Oregon. That damn pup was so good and slept in the back seat and never was a problem EXCEPT for when we finally got so tired that we had to pull over at a rest stop for a short nap. His natural instincts to watch the herd meant that while we slept, he was wide awake and would growl at any truck or visitor of the rest stop. Regardless, we still managed a short power nap and off we went.

    We finally pulled into the drive way around 1:00 am Sunday night Monday morning exhausted and tired of sitting in that damn truck.

    True to form, we drove over 2000 miles and the only rain we saw was about 5 miles from home.

    Though bed was calling my name, I was gonna sit in this damn boat and have a beer first.

    Last edited by jrork; 10-28-2012 at 08:18 AM.



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