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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by bordsmnj View Post
    Nikon d7000 w/70-300mmf5.6 hand held. 1/80th-1/125th depending on how fast the boats are and how close. if you try this in shutter priority pay attention to the little focus point TTL or you can end up with a ton of garbage. just take finger off the button and reapply til it hits a target. maual single point is better but not as easy to get exposure right when the sun is in and out of clouds. --> still a rookie, lol
    Nice. Yeah that's super slow. I use a D700. I was up around 1250-1600 that weekend using a 200/2.8 @ 5.6-8 most of the time. You're arms must have been moving like you were shooting quail I'm trying to buy a 300/2.8, but don't want to have to sell a car to buy it

  2. #22
    I want a full frame. i'd settle for a d600 but being out of work right now it aint gonna happen,lol. it would be awesome to have a fast 300mm prime lens....$$$

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotboat View Post
    You're arms must have been moving like you were shooting quail
    That's the key right there mr boat, as I taught Jason, you need to follow through, exactly like shooting a moving target with a shotgun, don't stop moving the camera once you click the shutter.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by bordsmnj View Post
    I want a full frame. i'd settle for a d600 but being out of work right now it aint gonna happen,lol. it would be awesome to have a fast 300mm prime lens....$$$
    I found a smoking deal on a new VR for $8000 LOL
    Quote Originally Posted by obnoxious001 View Post
    That's the key right there mr boat, as I taught Jason, you need to follow through, exactly like shooting a moving target with a shotgun, don't stop moving the camera once you click the shutter.
    My feet were killing me almost as bad as my liver that weekend. I saw no reason to throw my arms and back in to the mix

  5. #25
    didn't stop you from cruising around giving out the free beer cuzzies, lol. thanks for mine. I think we met briefly.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bordsmnj View Post
    didn't stop you from cruising around giving out the free beer cuzzies, lol. thanks for mine. I think we met briefly.
    My legs were killing me too lol. Wife said it was good for my fat ass. You're welcome. It was a very good weekend. Can't wait for next year. I'm gonna get one of those motorized bikes just to piss her off

  7. #27
    Senior Member hbchgirl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Huntington Beach, CA; Parker, AZ
    Great pictures bordsmnj!!!

  8. #28

  9. #29
    thanks, glad you gys like 'em.
    heres a few comp and river jet pics

  10. #30
    Senior Member wolfie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Great pictures!!! You really got some good shots.



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