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    2013 DCB Regatta - Lake Havasu Arizona

    Well another DCB Regatta is in the books. Number 10 or so I believe. What a weekend. The weather was perfect and fortunately we didn't break anything. I think this was the 3rd or 4th DCB Regatta we attended, however, in the past we never stayed for the dinner or after party. What a mistake that was. DCB and company put on afirst class event during the day, that's obvious. But the activities at night are just as top notch.

    Cocktails on Friday night poolside at the Nautical was how we started out the weekend. Friday ended up being somewhat of a late night. But we all survived and nothing a little Tylenol couldn't take care of Saturday morning. Saturday we launched our little 26', had alittle breakfast at the Nautical, then headed for the launch ramp. We were running a little late but managed to get in line (dead last) for the parade through the channel. Once we got out of the channel we saw what had to be the largest congregation of DCB boats I've ever seen, all waiting for their turn for the helicopter running shots. The entire area smelled of avgas, that's how I knew I arrived in heaven. Boat by boat, we were waived on so we could nail it and put on our best holeshot so Todd Taylor could work his magic shooting from the black R44 chopper.

    Pretty awesome sight watching all the big boys roll over then trim up and roost their machines to the sky. At the drivers meeting we were told the chopper was limited to around 60MPH, so around that speed he would roll out and head back to shoot another boat. So speed wasn't the priority here, putting on a good show to get the best shot was. Once our turn came up, and after everyone was jacketed up, I nailed our little beast and off we went like a scared rabbit. Now keep in mind our little 26’ requires my full attention and both hands on the wheel at all times. The water was alittle rough so that added a little white knuckle factor to the mix. Nonetheless we hit 60 then 70 then nearly 80 before I realized the helicopter was long gone. To be honest, I really didn’t care much about the photographs, I was having a ball just driving my boat.

    After the running shots were over we headed out to thecard stops. Once again, this was kind of a first time deal for us. In years past,we normally never made all 5 card stops for one reason or another. This year I was determined to make all 5, and we did just that. Great ride cruising from one end of the lake to the other. We kept the speed to within reason, nothing to show here anyway when you’re probably one of the slowest boats in the run, and in good water I’veseen 107+.

    At the last card stop, Havasu Palms, we decided to hang out for awhile and just enjoy the day. The weather couldn’t have been any better. Summer time in the West can make for some tough (should we stay or should we go) decisions when it’s 115+ outside for days, orweeks on end. And when it hits 122+, ourtime outside is sometimes limited. Infact, we’ve cut trips short when the temp hit 126-128. But the weather this weekend was nothing like that. The decisions are just as tough,but not in regard to cutting a trip short, more along the lines of “I wish we could stay here all month”.

    After hanging out at the Palms for awhile, we headed back toward the channel for a bite to eat. We found a little place called Papa Lenones very close to Kokomo’s. Probably some of the best Italian sandwiches we’ve ever had. The food was simply delicious.

    After our late lunch we headed back toward the Nautical. It was around 5pm and time toget ready for the Regatta party that started at 6:30pm. The cocktail hour was a great time. Meeting new friends and talking to old ones never gets old. Dinner kicked off around 7:30 or so and once again DCB does not disappoint. Dave, the DCB crew, and the Nautical put on afirst class spread.

    Well who’s kidding whom? What I didn’t mention was when we first walked in to the hall at the Nautical there was a very long table toward the rear of the hall. Sitting on, and surrounding that table weresome of the best door prizes I’ve ever seen. Items like a 50’ Sony Bravia LED TV, a Apple Netbook, Apple mini ipads,Apple ipods, GoPro cameras, some very nice carbon fiber coolers, and oodles ofgoodies that are not your typical door prize giveaways. Once again, DCB and company did a great job rallying their supporters and sponsors and they came through with flying colors.

    The raffle seemed to last forever, but there were absolutely no complaints from the crowd. It was like Christmas in September. After the raffle DJ Dallas cranked up the music and the dancers came outin strength. The night continued with afew cocktails, a lot of conversation and talking to old friends, and of course more dancing.

    Things wrapped up at a decent hour. For the diehards, the Turtle beach bar keptthings moving until security shut it down around midnight.

    I’m not exactly sure why I didn’t hit the pillow until 2am or so, not because I don’t remember, it just seemed like the weekend was going by way too fast and none of us wanted it to end. Sunday, and the trip home, was just around the corner.

    Thinking back on the weekend one of the first things that comes to mind was all the beautiful boats that were in attendance. But that certainly wasn’t the most important thing of the weekend. For me, the thing that will stick was the fact that the weekend pretty much combined all the things we love to do as a family. Boat, enjoy time with friends and family, eat, maybe dance a little, and boat some more. You just couldn’t ask for a better weekend.

    Another successful DCB Regatta in the books. And we’re anxiously awaiting the next one.

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    Last edited by HB Vic; 09-30-2013 at 01:50 PM.



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