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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by riverrunner1984 View Post
    Personally, if I have a bad experience be it a restaurant, car repair shop, hotel or whatever, I pretty much keep it to myself unless asked.
    However, if I get exceptionally good service, I make sure to let every one know.
    Thats just how I operate.

    Good analogy HB.
    I agree, Use Yelp to slam people, if we are allowed slam all the advertisers, and the advertisers leave I believe HB online goes away....

    Last edited by Jefftowz; 03-04-2014 at 09:26 AM.

  2. #12
    Hey Phil! lol.

  3. #13

    What good is feedback?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotboat View Post
    There are good ones, and some that are not so good. Its up to you to do your homework to determine which vendor you are going to give your hard earned money...
    I understand what you're saying and in no way am I saying you need to provide a "come trash our sponsors" forum. But in doing my due diligence on investigating who I want to have service something I want to hear the positive and negative. I'll use my own scale and filters to determine if I want to do business with them. But you can't make an educated decision if all you receive are one sided perspectives. Trust me, i read both the positive and negative reviews and look at a blended average. Someone with a 100 positives and 1-5 negatives would represent a well rounded history. I'd then read the negatives and put my own weight on them.

    For example, there's a killer hot dog place in my town. I've been there and experienced it. However, I've also read the Yelp reviews. Some of the complaints are hysterical, not enough ice in the water, portions were too much, screwed up our order. I get it, it happens. But they also had a lot of positive reviews. A review "growing legs" works both ways. I posted a positive experience on another site about an exceptional experience I had. There were many responses that said, yea I've heard of that company, but had never considered using them until you posted your experience. It works both ways.

    How did you end up with a Raptor, I mean with all the bad reviews about frames bending one would think it had to be the worst truck made. Once you read HOW the frames were bent you understand that you can't mosh them like a Trophy Truck, regardless of how Ford's marketing team presents it. But if you had not filtered or weighed the reviews, or done your homework you'd never know.

    Again, I'll agree to disagree. I want as much feedback as I can get when spending money on a product or service. If every review was polished off with honey dipped unicorns you would not be able to make an educated choice.
    Last edited by Pressed Ham; 03-04-2014 at 03:32 PM.



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