here is some more progress shots sorry for no explanation i am not a teacher just posting a series of pictures in order i am sure everyone can follow whats happening with out any text
so since i have received numerous complaints that if i post a picture i must tell what it is and what i did .. don't understand why you can't look at the pictures and understand so ill try my best to turn this into how to build a boat section rather than pictures of my progress ...
tires mounted on rims , trim rings installed , center caps installed but will have to be removed to mount tires no access to lug nuts
new side boards for the fender pads i have cut them to shape recessed the back for trailer issues on one than i applied a coat of resin to both sides and installed t nuts to fasten them on the trailer,, next i will apply foam and wrap them in vinyl after i do the ghost flame stitching on the vinyli also radiuses the top edge it was the only place the vinyl was wearing out , my thought was a nice 3/4" radius will ease the hard edge and get better wear
disclaimer: I am not a tech person , this is not meant to be used as you must do it like this, its me a soldier doing it the way it works for me, haters keep your comments to yourself thank you for looking
OG - you should have started with my boat bar hull!!! it looks like you would have had a lot less wood and fiberglass work than what you started with here!.... But good job on the resto!!! that was some project you had there. I really like this hull shape and design for an old school style- very nice!