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Thread: Focking thieves

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  1. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Tishimself View Post
    No...what is it?
    chlorinated alpha olefins. Don't ask. Point being, its 40+ % chlorine.
    Ever get chlorine bleach on your hands. Feels like your skin is melting. But its not.
    Get a drill bit squeak like a stuck pig and put chlorine bleach on it.

    Its common as spit in cutting fluids.

    I wouldn't put Prolong, or ANTHING labeled AFMT on the label in my lawn mower (anti friction metal treatment)
    If the shit worked, the oil companies would add it you oil right in the can. Its only slightly more expensive than tap water.

    Its ALL the same crap. There isn't 2 cents difference between any of them.

    Motor Up
    and 1/2 dozen other snake oils.
    Last edited by gn7; 01-03-2014 at 03:04 AM.



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