Not solo, pilot flying and one passenger right behind him. The pilot (who flew in Vietnam, pretty cool)said it takes 6 months to get a license to fly one of these including your training hours.
The water is an incredible view from up above. I'm going to have to try that in the near future, looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your trip with us including the resource. Back in the day (1988 - 1994) we use to fly a parasail on our river trips. We flew that thing over Lake Powell, Lake Mojave, Lake Havasu and even on the river. When we flew this thing on the river we would start south of Jack Smith Park and Land in the river just before Park Moabi due to a couple of power lines. I got pretty good at maneuvering that parasail, I always wanted to pull one of my passengers under the power lines but deep down inside I didn't want to put there lives on the line if you know what I mean. The parasail was one of the best river toys we had in our arsenal of fun. The picture shown is me flying @ Lake Powell. B.T.W. because the parasail was ours taking up a beer or a cocktail was the parasailers option...
The water is an incredible view from up above. I'm going to have to try that in the near future, looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your trip with us including the resource. Back in the day (1988 - 1994) we use to fly a parasail on our river trips. We flew that thing over Lake Powell, Lake Mojave, Lake Havasu and even on the river. When we flew this thing on the river we would start south of Jack Smith Park and Land in the river just before Park Moabi due to a couple of power lines. I got pretty good at maneuvering that parasail, I always wanted to pull one of my passengers under the power lines but deep down inside I didn't want to put there lives on the line if you know what I mean. The parasail was one of the best river toys we had in our arsenal of fun. The picture shown is me flying @ Lake Powell. B.T.W. because the parasail was ours taking up a beer or a cocktail was the parasailers option...
78, I assume ultra is solo, what kind of training does it require? Looks like an incredible experience!
The instructor told me that you don't need a certificate (License) to fly an Ultralight by yourself. However, if you want to get your Sports License so you can fly with a passenger you have to do about 15 hours of flying with an instructor and 5 hours solo. You are probably looking at 35 to 40 hours with flight and ground school. The instructor that I used is pretty expensive at $140 an hour but he is an awesome instructor and has been flying Ultralights since 1979. He learned to fly in the military. I just did an introductory flight with him but it gave me 1 hour towards my 15 hours.