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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharp shooter View Post
    I get what you're saying Ron. He had pretty much nothing to offer the live feed, but I wouldn't view him as a real "representative" of HotBoat. He did make me laugh a couple of times, but for the most part his lack of respect of the competitors makes him look retarded. Like I said on the feed, he needs to go for a ride and have the fear of god put in him. That would take care of it.
    If he rode with me, we wouldn't make it back. I'd have to make Kamakazi run with my copilot.
    I am a Jap, so it would be the real deal.

  2. #12
    Senior Member SBS933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMC View Post
    The video of ss-1 bucks up did it for me. I always thought I could do this.... easy no problem. That video change my mine... those guys get with it. Looks a lot different from shore.

    sent from WMC's phone
    You nailed that one WMC, that video put me in the drivers seat, and to tell you the truth that video lets you know what is really up with boat racing.

  3. #13
    76 I guess now is about as good a time to discuss this as any. Your comment was not deleted, it was edited. It was not necessarily edited because of content, it was edited because of timing. Bad timing quite honestly.

    In regard to Grads (no secret who we're talking about). I personally banned him several times for many reasons. I banned him because I have a little control here over what people say. I say little because I do not have complete control, nor do I want complete control. The last thing I want is this place to get labeled as some sort of site that censors all content. That's not what we want. What we would prefer to have is a site that has some standards. So I think I've kind of set the bar a little higher here than some other sites might. I'm not saying what they're doing is wrong, I'm merely saying since I have a "little" control, so I'd prefer to keep things a little cleaner around here. Grads has had his issues, but for the most part he's been pretty good lately. He certainly hasn't done anything any worse than anyone else.

    Now in regard to the race and the live stream. I was at the race, so I was not able to see the chat on the live stream. I was not aware of the things you mentioned happening. If that is in fact what he was saying and/or doing, you're right, I do not agree with it. That being said, I have absolutely no control over Grads outside If those are the comments he was making, Surfrat should have booted him.

    As far as the jet boat comments, I wouldn't stress too much over it. We all get shit for what we own/drive. As long as its in jest, I try to let it slide. But I will be honest, comments like that said at the wrong time can really get you wound up. I personally was 2" away from making a huge mistake last week because some little snot was poking fun at my ride. So I understand your feelings, we all take pride in our boats and if pushed too far, sometimes things can go sideways.

    I will say this, as I've said many times before, Grads is harmless. It took me awhile but I've been able to pierce his joke suit and underneath I think he's in all reality a pretty good guy.

    There are a few people here who come off completely different on the computer screen than they do in person. I had a chance to meet GN7 last weekend and he reminds me of a big ole teddy bear. I hope he doesn't punch my teeth out for saying that LOL.

    And I certainly hope you stick around here. We're not perfect. We make mistakes, and I'm sure we'll continue to make mistakes. But to me all that means is we're real people, not perfect people.

    Perfect is boring

    Last edited by HB Vic; 12-03-2013 at 09:14 PM. Reason: GN7 I did not mean old teddy bear I swear :D

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 76Bonneville View Post
    Like I said in the post, I've never had a post deleted on any site, ever until the other day on this site.
    He gets along with the right people.
    There is a proper way to say things and express an opinion. This post was done well. The single sentence in the other post that was edited was not done as eloquent and thus edited(not by me but I did see it). This post goes much further and better stated with the lack of profanity.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Sharp shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMC View Post
    The video of ss-1 bucks up did it for me. I always thought I could do this.... easy no problem. That video change my mine... those guys get with it. Looks a lot different from shore.
    Some people don't realize what it takes to drive boats like these. I view them similarly to riding the motocross track. You have to have some level of skill which most of us are capable of but, you ALSO need some balls. Any one of you who's ridden in a K, PS, GN, CB, PS or CJ know what I'm talking about, even if it wasn't in a race.

    Hey Scotthat99, How much respect did you have after riding in that hydro at cfw?

  6. #16
    I really have no problem with the jet boat remarks.
    My problem is as a racer, his disrespect for the the racers and the sport.
    If you're just going to sit there a make a joke about everything then just go away.
    Some people enjoy the sport and appreciate the fact that we/they are there.
    I havn't met Bob, but looking forward to that day. We have had our disagreements(C/J's for HOC in 2011), but I respect the man.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Mateo View Post
    There is a proper way to say things and express an opinion. This post was done well. The single sentence in the other post that was edited was not done as eloquent and thus edited(not by me but I did see it). This post goes much further and better stated with the lack of profanity.
    I apoligize for that post.
    I was a little hot at the time.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by 76Bonneville View Post
    I really have no problem with the jet boat remarks.
    My problem is as a racer, his disrespect for the the racers and the sport.
    If you're just going to sit there a make a joke about everything then just go away.
    Some people enjoy the sport and appreciate the fact that we/they are there.
    I havn't met Bob, but looking forward to that day. We have had our disagreements(C/J's for HOC in 2011), but I respect the man.
    Grads does not speak for

    Hopefully the racers and racing community realizes that.

    I think we ( and the people who have worked hard to make this site what it is, have shown the racers and racing community that we do respect and support the racers and their efforts.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotboat View Post
    Grads does not speak for

    Hopefully the racers and racing community realizes that.

    I think we ( and the people who have worked hard to make this site what it is, have shown the racers and racing community that we do respect and support the racers and their efforts.
    Hotboat has most definently stepped up and the racing community appreciates it.

    I guess it's because he is so prevalent on these boards that it's an instant association.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by 76Bonneville View Post
    Hotboat has most definently stepped up and the racing community appreciates it.

    I guess it's because he is so prevalent on these boards that it's an instant association.
    Believe me, we wouldn't do it if we didn't enjoy it!! Thank you.

    76 I'm not sure how old you are, do you know or remember Marmaduke?

    Well, Grads reminds me of Marmaduke LOL



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