Quote Originally Posted by WMC View Post
Here's the black and white. We wouldn't have a problem if some people would vote 1x not make up 50 users name under one IP address to win a cooler. Its a pain in the ass to have to check IP to see who did what.

1. Enter your boat
2. Vote 1x
3. Win a cooler
You know things have really gone to the dogs when people have to go to such lengths just to win a 'cooler' over another guy.... use to be people would just enter these "little things" to show off their boats, tell a story about it, and enjoy the 'sport' together and if you WIN... you just have bragging rights for a month... But it is really lowdown when some people try to "fix" things to their advantage... and that even goes so far as calling all your friends up to GO VOTE just for you! Members that are 'visiting' the page should look at all the boats entered and vote on the one they like as THEIR FAVORITE.... thats why its called a "Spectators Choice Award" basically.

You hotboat guys and gals bust your.... well everything for this site.... and it looks good and works good for MOST of us.... THANK YOU!