Quote Originally Posted by riverrunner1984 View Post
Believe it or not, we got the same letter last year but since it was midterm elections, we were able to keep the plan for one more year....
Like I said, the business has had this plan for over 10 years and now it is not good enough???

Before we were able to keep the plan last year we were told that Kim had to get a new Dr. because where she works is more than 30 miles away from where I work even though my company covers her insurance.
The new rule, we were told, was that her Dr. has to be within 30 miles from where she works....WTF is that about....Im the one that covers her....
We live 47miles away from my office and still go the DR. in Los Alamitos....We love our Dr and do not want to change at all.....
Itll be interesting to see what happens when we get the new plan proposals......

Stay Tuned!
Sounds like a trip to the local post office for a P.O. box is in order for a new address a little closer to your work...

Don't think the SHIT HEADS in D.C. wouldn't do something like that if it saved them a nickle or three... LIke Vic said, its GAME ON...