Having a "chosen one" accuse me of name calling in this thread that he CANNOT QUOTE is 100% pure bullshit that YOU are fully condoning. Its NOT fucking humor Vic.
So I'm not sure if you're referring to me but if you are thanks for calling me "one of the chosen ones" because if I am that's quite a compliment since the ONLY affiliation I have with anyone here is through my interaction on this forum. If I am one of the "Chosen ones" as you claim that is completely through my interaction here and nothing else.
let me address a few points;
1. First of all I am the ONLY one on this thread that was at Unforgiven's house in Havasu partying with him and his friends....solely at his invitation last Wednesday night, so any thoughts you might have about me being an Unforgiven hater should just be put to rest.......I like Eddie and I hope he likes me.
2. I never said you were calling anyone names.....if you go back and reread what I said it was regarding why you are always so caustic ( you may need to look this word up) and don't use just a little more finesse......vs. just getting in someone's face all the time....the analogy
(you might want to look this word up while you're there) i was trying to make was subtle vs. sledgehammer....this of course takes a little brain power and some forethought before making comments....the
word pithy comes to mind here (You may need to look that one up as well).
3. Lastly my comment about being just subtle enough to have fun with someone and having it go over their head (just) is probably also lost on you but then again I'm guessing that there were quite a few people on here that did get it and are laughing at you behind your back of course based on your not HAVING A FUCKING CLUE.
I hope this clears things up for you Bob.....take your best shot as you deserve it after this post and do me a favor and just stay the fuck away from me on this forum and I'll do the same going forward.
Well that settles it right there doesn't it. They were never there, and Stainless needs a shrink. or stop hitting the lab drugs at 4:30 in the morning.
When I went to bed around midnite, Vics post saying "this is hilarious" was the last post up and at the bottom of page 5 where it is now. It was after 10pm so the rest of the inmates had already shit the bed.
Hey Bob.....while I kind of agree with where you're coming from.......I am always confounded with why you feel the need to speak your mind in such a caustic manner.....name calling is typically reserved for the liberal left and I'm pretty sure that's not your persuasion :
Carry on
Originally Posted by Paul65K
I never said you were calling anyone names.....if you go back and reread what I said it was regarding why you are always so caustic
Have a nice day
Am I the one with the reading comprehension problem, or YOU with the writing comprehension? WELL???
I have nothing against you Paul. Put I will not stand idly by while you accuse me of something I hadn't done, and YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE!!!
Can I be a caustic asshole. You have no idea!! Even more so when someone pulls the bullshit you did.
When I went to bed around midnite, Vics post saying "this is hilarious" was the last post up and at the bottom of page 5 where it is now. It was after 10pm so the rest of the inmates had already shit the bed.
So because you didn't se an exchange at 4:30 in the morning means it didn't happen. Are fucking serious?? Or are you suggesting that Stainless has been experimenting with synthetic lab drugs?
Wake the fuck up Ziggy, if you can't keep the fuck up, maybe it would be best if you didn't fucking comment on shit you know NOTHING about.. It only makes sense don't you think?