After a year of hard work by several people, and with God giving us some unbelievable weather, this yrs Hot Boat & Custom Car Show, IMO was epic. With over 275 entries, and over 7500+ arm bands handed out it would be hard to argue with me.
The amount of quality hardware / boats was off the hook. A lot of new boats showed up. Which tells me our small boat sport is alive n well. Even with a so so economy.

The car attendance was way up as well over last yr. Tons of beautiful rides. Ed Hourst was the man. He reached out to a lot of the car clubs & they responded. Thxs Ed.

The Cackle Cars were a new addition to the show. I want to thank Advanced Oilfield Services, Pirate Cove Resort, Hot, & the Needles Chamber, Best Western & Rio Del Sol of Needles, for there sponsorship dollars & accommodations. They were the sole reason in me being able to get the Cackle Cars there. Thxs again. I love the smell of nitro in the morning.

I also want to thank HUD, Steve D, Rogerthat (Scott), Wendi & William for all your pics & support every year.

Dirk Olsen & Maureen Beal. Names you guys may not recognize, but they are the main rea$$on for the two reveals that took place this yr. You two went over the top.

Of course none of this could happen without the support of all of you & the sponsors. I want to personally thank all of you for your support. The show has continued to grow over the past 6yrs. Even with the economy. Thats a tribute to everyone's hard work & dedication.

See you all next year....Billy-B