I have a need for a digital projector, but not one you would buy at Staples or maybe even Best Buy.

I have a 10' screen and I need to project video's that can be seen inside, in probably a fairly well lit area.

I have a 4000 lumen jobber, I seriously doubt it will work. I haven't even tried it because NYE at dusk it wasn't that great. So I'm guessing I need at least 6,000 and probably closer to 10,000 to get the job done. Problem is for a 8-10,000 lumen I could buy that 5L blower I want for my boat.

I have about a 10' square space I need to fill with video. If the screen/projector won't do the trick, I may have to pick up a couple 50-60" TV's and put them side-by-side.

A good friend works for Christie Digital, he's checking on some pricing, but I'm just guessing at even his pricing it's gonna be cost prohibitive.

Are there any video experts in the house??