So 3-4 times a week I hike up to the water tower. It is behind the homes next to the rolling hills. I do 77 railroad tie stairs 5-7 times up and down and then continue up to the water tower on the dirt road. Today as I'm at the top of the stairs I see I nice sized coyote come out from the bushes (where I walk). Yikes, I have Roscoe with me so I immediately put the leash on him. Coyote doesn't see me and I make sure Roscoe doesn't see coyote. I watch him as he continues into the hills and out of site. So I continue on my hike to the water tower. Question: If that happened close up do you think coyote would attack because of Roscoe being there? I've run into coyotes before but I wasn't walking my dog and we just ignore each other and go on our way.