My son is 25 and currently a mechanical engineer in aerospace. A while back he started talking about going back to school to get his master degree in mathematics. He just started back a couple of weeks ago and is working full time and going to school four nights a week. We haven’t seen each other much since he started back and today he sent me a text asking if I wanted to get together for dinner, of course I said yes.

I ended up taking him to my favorite seafood place and listing to him during dinner you could hear and see the excitement in his new venture. After dinner we came back to the house and hung out for a few but he couldn’t stay too long because he had to get up for work. I gave him some fruit and a few other things and sent him home.

After he got home he sent me a text tanking me agin for dinner and had some other nice things to say. We sent a couple of messages back and forth and below is his last text to me.

Dad you’ve kept my ass in line for many years now and I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for your guidance and support. I look up to you more than you’ll ever know and I’m damn grateful that you’re my old man. Love you too dude.

Before I could finish reading the message the tears were flowing.

I am so proud of him and just want to tell anyone who will listen so I had to share.

Best part about it is he's doing it on his own dime this time.......