So I'm driving to the airport this past Saturday to catch a flight to SLC for my grandfather's funeral. I leave my house at 3:30am to go to my cousin's house where we will drive to LAX together in order to catch our 6:10am flight. Haulin ass on the 605 south just before Arrow Hwy(Pitch Black), a large orange traffic cone lying on it's side appears in my sites too close to swerve safely. I pull over after slamming into it and realize I have fluid dripping everywhere. Seems I cracked my radiator.

So now I have my in-laws come pick me up, my FIL stays with car to tow it back to his house and my MIL takes me to airport. Fortunately since I was going to cousin's prior to airport, I had enough time to make it to airport directly.

So then it's freezing in SLC and I'm wearing a thin suit. Nice funeral though. The flag ceremony always gets me. My grandfather served in WW2.

Then my football team lost as I got to see the end of the game sittin in the SLC airport bar. Got tanked and flew home. Always nice to have a car accident on way to a funeral.