You bet! The engineering in these boats is truly amazing. I was talking to a pro photographer out on the island and we agree that these boats are so much of an art if u will, more than cars. The paint, and the fabrication skills involved is awesome. On the other hand, Top Fuel Hydro's are beat up. They have been sunk, wrecked, and burnt. But that's my world. A TF/H is just a tool. Use it up 'til it you can't use it no more. I would like to say that the "Whiskey River" guys are always so nice to me when I ask V-Drive questions. They show me all their spare parts describing their maintenance problems. They break a lot of parts. They can break a large prop shaft coupler in half. Almost everything on a TF/H is hand made, which is what I do. I would like to work with these guys on their maintenance issues. Maybe some day.