Im starting to get back into sketching and im just curious if there is any interest in having portrait style drawings of you and your boat done...i dont have much of a portfolio built up any more to show my work but im getting there...i have a couple drawings started and will post pics once they are finished.

As far as pricing gos it would all depend on the size and how intricate the picture is that you want done...

Again this is just a feeler to see if there is any interest...I think that these could make great gifts for fathers day and birthday type occasions...easy shopping for those who really have a passion for their boat

Here are a couple of older drawings of mine...The first i did while i was in afghanistan with a bic mechanical pencil in 2009 and the second isnt a boat but i did it with better quality pencils on better paper...these are pictures of the drawings with a crappy camera (i dont have a scanner right now) so they are loosing a little quality compared to how they look in person...