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  1. #1
    Senior Member ptc's Avatar
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    Boat type haters....

    So how many of you out there (besides Grads) really and truly HATE on a "type of boat" other than what you own, drive or like?

    Let me premise this with the fact that I am an owner, boater, lover, enthusiast and true to the core v-driver, but have owned a whacker, a family size bow-rider I/O and a jet (for an insanely short period of time) too in my lifetime. But yet I find that I have no problem what-so-ever with all the types of boats that are out there.

    Im asking this only because I find so many that are of one 'type' or another and just cannot appreciate anything about another type; whether it be its size, length, use, engine(s), etc.

    The lake crowd cant except the jet or ocean crowd, or the jet crowd cant except the v-drives, or (some in the) race crowd cant accept ANY CROWD that doesnt have a boat that can do over 100mph... is that why everyone wants to go 100mph in a boat to be 'accepted' by these people???

    really? whats your opinion, I know you all got ONE!
    Last edited by ptc; 03-03-2014 at 02:48 PM.
    1975 Sanger True Flat 496BBC

  2. #2
    How can one hate a boat of any type? Except if you're a tree hugger. No matter what the type, the owner is having a good time which is what it is all about.....even with a Bayliner.......

    I can see how people hate roll bar boats because of the wake they can create but it all goes back to the driver and their respect and knowledge of what is around them.

  3. #3
    I like all types, I do find it gay to turn on the jet-ovaries when they pass the Sandbar though.( supposed to be jet ovator, phone keeps auto correcting to ovaries so I went with it. )


  4. #4
    Senior Member 314joey's Avatar
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    I love any kind and size of boat as long as it has a key with at least one engine and I don't have to paddle.

    Oh, and a cooler has to fit in

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Stainless View Post
    jet-ovaries that made me crack up...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 78Southwind View Post that made me crack up...
    Yea, I'll bet Grads liked it too.


  7. #7
    I don't hate on any particular type of boat, at one time or another I've owned most all types, including the sport fishing ocean goers.

    But I've gotten older (OK OLD by some standards) and as such I got rather spoiled how things used to be. Used to be a 22-24' boat was almost large for Lake Havasu, hell I used to run my Hondo flat on Havasu and the only real limiting factor was gas and wind. Now I sit on my deck and see lovely 42' million dollar rigs blowing by at 140 weaving between folks cruising along in their pontoon boats.

    I don't hate those boaters, I just wished the F*** they'd take em to big blue.

    I don't hate the wake board or ski boats, hell I grew up with early 40's Chris Crafts up at Lake Arrowhead, but we didn't fill up bladders and plow around creating tsunami waves all day.

    I don't hate folks who feel the need to project their taste in music by blasting it all over the lake, I just wish there was a hunting season for them.

    I've owned jet boats, if I played on the river I'd probably own one or at whacker, I just don't much care for the drivers when they're running up my wife's ass when she's on her PWC and they're using her to break the waves.

    I don't much care to listen to an extremely loud exhaust unless the boat creating the noise is actually going fast, at least that way you thing "Oh Cool" as they blow by.

    We haven't cruised the London Bridge channel in 20 years, there's nothing there I need or want and I'm not big and breathing blue smoke and sitting in a haze all day.

    I'm just getting old and still have a vivid memory of how awesome boating used to be, "Used To Be" being the key words here.

    This isn't exactly how "I Feel", this is more the PG version

  8. #8
    Senior Member riverrunner1984's Avatar
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    None of your business
    I dont hate, I appreciate all boat types!

  9. #9
    I like all kinds of boats...the more time I spend on different types of boats the more I appreciate them.

    Oh who am I kidding, I'm happy in a floating device as long as I'm on the water and I have a beverage.

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  10. #10
    Senior Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Redding, CA
    I used to like it when guys would hate on the Miller Jet.

    If I couldn't beat their pile with the jet, I'd show up with the BBC Flatty.
    If that didn't do it, I'd show up with the hydro.

    I like them all.

    "So as through a glass, and darkly
    The age long strife I see
    Where I fought in many guises,
    Many names, but always me."

    Gen. George S Patton



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