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  1. #1

    Do you wait till the last minute ???

    I'm rather organized and am not the type of person that waits till the last minute. Im also a pretty good communicator. What about you?

  2. #2

    Re: Do you wait till the last minute ???

    Lol :banghead:

    Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2

  3. #3

    Do you wait till the last minute ???

    Being prepared is boring. Much more exciting to wait till the last minute. 👊

  4. #4

    Do you wait till the last minute ???

    Yeah but waiting till the last minute can leave you without

  5. #5

    Do you wait till the last minute ???

    With, without, whatever. Lol

  6. #6
    Senior Member riverrunner1984's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    None of your business
    I may be one of the biggest procrastinators on the planet. I find I work better under stress thought....
    However, it does feel good to get things done in advance once in a while which ends up being very rarely...

  7. #7

    Do you wait till the last minute ???

    I get more done when I'm behind and busy. If I have one thing to do and all day to do it I struggle to get it done. But if I have ten things to do and not enough time I will somehow get it all done.

  8. #8
    If I have 15 things going on I get everything done. If I need to do just one thing it will never get finished.

  9. #9
    I an anal-retentive so I plan it all out in my head. Then get everything ready ahead of time. This way i am less stressed and we usually do not forget anything.

    However, i do like just taking off at the spur of the moment. Usually, for a short trip to a city that has everything i need. Like deciding on Friday to head to Vegas for the weekend. Throw shit in a suitcase, go to airport and hop the next plane, pick a hotel in the cab from the airport and enjoy the weekend.

  10. #10
    I think the thread title needs to be changed to "do you wait till the last minute to restock the store shelves?" LOL



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