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Thread: Eli Gets Lucky!

  1. #1

    Eli Gets Lucky!

    Last night, I'm on my way home and driving between 90-100 mph on the freeway. I keep looking up at the speedometer (in the Camero the speed is displayed as a holograph in the windshield) and keep thinking…SLOW DOWN! Well sure as the sky was black, I see the unmistakable red and blue lights I have become oh so familiar with this last year. I begin my speed reduction and right lane approach, as I am in the fast lane. I exit the freeway, for both mine and the officer's safety and I turn into the first gas station.

    I'm nearly blinded by all the lights, so I roll down both front windows. I see a flashlight approaching on my right, so I roll up the driver's side window. The flashlight tells me, "roll down your driver window ma'am". So of course I did. The following ensues:

    O: I pulled you over for speeding, do you know how fast you were going?
    E: No, I'm sorry I don't (insert I'm guilty as fuck but please don't give me a ticket expression)
    I didn't lie, at that point it had been a few minutes since my last "SLOW DOWN" lecture to myself.
    O: 90 when I approached you and 85 when I hit the lights. ($370 ticket without traffic school fees and costs UGH!)
    E: oh
    O: Where are you going?
    E: Home
    O: Where are you coming from?
    E: A friend's house.
    O: License, insurance and registration please.
    E: Here's my license, the car is a rental so all I have is the rental agreement, I think, and I don't have my proof of insurance with me. ($796 fine)
    O: Is this your current address?
    E: No ($25 fix it ticket)
    I can hear the cash register cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. Crap there goes my new gun I've been saving for!!!!
    O: Have you been drinking?
    E: No
    O: Nothing at all?
    E: Nothing
    O: You sound like you are slurring.
    E: I do? (giggle, giggle)
    O: Yes.
    E: I ate at McDonalds, they don't serve alcohol there.
    Luckily, I had not been drinking AT ALL and I had my McD's bag in my car. I lift the bag and show the officer.
    O: Yea, last time I checked they don't serve alcohol. Place your hands on the door please…(WTF????)
    I place my hands on the door, and he proceeds with a mini field sobriety test. Of course, I think it's kind of funny that I am getting a sobriety test and I have an ear to ear grin and a few giggles in between. But, I think I passed. I hate failing tests!
    O: Okay, wait right here.
    Officer Garcia goes away for a few minutes as I ponder why the Fuck didn't I use my lawyering skills to get myself out of this mess? He returns.
    O: This is your lucky night. I'm going to let you off with a warning as to the speeding. Just saved you $1,500 in total fines and fees. But, you have 2 fix it tickets as to the address and insurance.
    E: This is like Christmas.
    O: Yes, Christmas in May.
    E: Thank you very much, I think I'm going to cry.
    O: Don't cry, you'll make me cry.
    E: I promise I will not go over 65 mph all the way home.
    O: My partner and I are going to follow you home.
    WTF???? CREEPY!!!!
    E: I'm going to hit the ladies room and be on my way, thank you!
    His follow you home comment did creep me out.

    WOW, did I get lucky! I didn't even try to get out of that mess. But, it took me FOREVER to drive home at 65 mph and watching EVERYONE, even RR's grandma, Omi, pass me…walking, was a tad frustrating. Hey, but I made it home safe!

  2. #2
    That's just not right at all. Us males would have been thrown in the pokey. Who do I call to file a complaint? Lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Not to be all nerdy but hey, maybe that even saved a life or two!!! You just never know what the night had in store for you...intuition was already saying slow down. Now that I'm done being a downer... How fu@&g cool was that hook up, best feeling in the world to slide away on a ticket!!!! Wooooo-hooooo

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotboat View Post
    That's just not right at all. Us males would have been thrown in the pokey. Who do I call to file a complaint? Lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I can take all complaints lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Get415 View Post
    Not to be all nerdy but hey, maybe that even saved a life or two!!! You just never know what the night had in store for you...intuition was already saying slow down. Now that I'm done being a downer... How fu@&g cool was that hook up, best feeling in the world to slide away on a ticket!!!! Wooooo-hooooo
    I agree with you! I'm grateful I got the slow down fear instilled in me with a warning. I drove home on cruise control the rest of the way.

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ziggy's Avatar
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    What kind of outfit did you have on? That might answer everyone's suspicions
    And you just failed the bikini test with the McD's bag in the car.
    Outside of that, good job on just a warning.
    Sent by tapatalk with good intentions
    I love my wife, my wife loves me.:encouragement:

  6. #6
    Senior Member riverrunner1984's Avatar
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    None of your business
    Lol, you still may have passed Omi. She is still in the 55mph days and 60 is speeding lol. True story, today I was only driving 140kph and she told me she would appreciate it if I went between 90 and 100kph? I said Omi I'm fine your safe just relax lol

  7. #7
    Senior Member riverrunner1984's Avatar
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    None of your business
    But as HB said, us males are effed when it comes to that

  8. #8
    Senior Member BrenMoto's Avatar
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    You lucky lucky girl go buy a lottery ticket

    Sent from this purdy mouth

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    What kind of outfit did you have on? That might answer everyone's suspicions
    And you just failed the bikini test with the McD's bag in the car.
    Outside of that, good job on just a warning.
    Sent by tapatalk with good intentions
    I was dressed to leave an impression earlier that evening lol but not in a bikini. No I didn't go to McDonalds on a date lol
    Quote Originally Posted by riverrunner1984 View Post
    Lol, you still may have passed Omi. She is still in the 55mph days and 60 is speeding lol. True story, today I was only driving 140kph and she told me she would appreciate it if I went between 90 and 100kph? I said Omi I'm fine your safe just relax lol
    Well she'd hate being in my car 😉
    Quote Originally Posted by BrenMoto View Post
    You lucky lucky girl go buy a lottery ticket

    Sent from this purdy mouth
    I bought one earlier that night. Powerball...not sure what made me pick that one. maybe bc it sounds like an alcoholic beverage.

    Sent from my Bat Cave

  10. #10
    Senior Member Ziggy's Avatar
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    True story. Ive been let go with warnings multiple times. I keep a LEO friends biz card under my DL and am very good at making sure they see it when I remove my DL. The professional courtesy they give to their boys in blue is amazing. :
    Lastly, the one that changed my driving habits was an Az HP clocking me at 85+ in my truck just coming into Havasu by SARA Park. He turned around and pointed at the lake and simply said "it'll be here in the morning". Since then racing to the lake is no longer a part of my life. Saving 30minutes ain't worth the risks.

    Sent by tapatalk with good intentions
    I love my wife, my wife loves me.:encouragement:



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