4 Attachment(s)
How to Post pictures - From another website without downloading
For those of you that do not know how to add/post an image from another website without downloading it, I thought I would help you out. Edit: .GIF images work the same way!
Step 1: Locate the image you want to post, and right-click on it.
Attachment 2135
Highlight where the black arrow is pointing to "copy image location" and click on it.
Step 2 : Locate the thread you want to reply in, or post in, and select the "insert image" icon. As seen below.
Attachment 2132
Step 3: Click on the tab that says "from URL". Right-click on the box, and "paste" the link. Then select "ok"
Attachment 2133
Step 4: Your image will now be inserted into the post as seen below.
Attachment 2134