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View Full Version : How's 2013 looking for you?

HB Vic
12-26-2012, 10:18 AM
2013 is looking good for us so far. Fairly significant amount of work on the books, more so than previous years.

Sign of things to come or anomaly? Hard to say. I would like to think its a positive sign and maybe the economy is turning.

How is your 2013 looking??

12-26-2012, 11:05 AM
So far not to bad. Been offered the position I have been working to go permanent and get away from this contracting gig. Getting more money and will have bennies that I haven't had for 2 years. Can't wait to be able to take some vacation time this year. Boat is running now. Just have a couple things to have it ready for Desert Storm. :encouragement:

12-26-2012, 11:23 AM
Don't see 2013 being any better..:no:

12-26-2012, 12:19 PM
Just found out income going down Jan 1 by 27%. And due to our President/ governments inability to control it"s growth and spending....our taxes will be going up.

2013 not sounding so good...........:confusion:

12-26-2012, 01:02 PM
Too soon to tell but there's always things that appear when I work hard. This year had issues which will inundate my mind next year as well. Would live to get the gorilla off my back and concentrate on the positives which I'm workin on!

How good can 2013 be when one is gonna get their junk worked on. :D

12-26-2012, 04:43 PM
should be a good year, would like to sell river view lot house up on bean pot, keep good health and try and keep the govment from taking to much.. :peaceful: