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View Full Version : Brittany Maynard...

10-23-2014, 07:01 AM
I know this has been going around Facebook and the news the past couple weeks and I was wondering what all your opinions are on the matter.
Without getting political, do you guys think one should have the right to take their own life if there are terminal?
Here is the video if anyone hasn't seen it.
Either way, this is a very sad story and and I wish her and her family the best.



10-23-2014, 07:28 AM
I saw it on the news. 😞

Yes, I think you should be able to end your life if you're terminal and it is administered by a licensed Physician.


10-23-2014, 08:52 AM
I saw it on the news. 

Yes, I think you should be able to end your life if you're terminal and it is administered by a licensed Physician.


10-23-2014, 09:01 AM
So to clarify, do you guys think the Physician should end the life or do you think it is Ok for her to end her life with the pills the Physician gave her?
In my opinion either way is acceptable as long as she is deemed terminal. I'm thinking maybe have 2 or 3 Dr. opinions before such route is chosen.
I agree that if you are terminal, you should have the option of how you want to go out.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian actually administered it and did not prescribe a pill.
From what I understand, the patients he assisted were giving CO2 through an oxygen mask thus making it a painless death.

10-23-2014, 09:07 AM
So to clarify, do you guys think the Physician should end the life or do you think it is Ok for her to end her life with the pills the Physician gave her?
In my opinion either way is acceptable as long as she is deemed terminal. I'm thinking maybe have 2 or 3 Dr. opinions before such route is chosen.
I agree that if you are terminal, you should have the option of how you want to go out.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian actually administered it and did not prescribe a pill.
From what I understand, the patients he assisted were giving CO2 through an oxygen mask thus making it a painless death.

Personally I think the details on how are much less important than the fact that a person should have the choice to choose their own fate.......why should someone with a terminal disease be forced to endure the often pain and suffereing vs. having the choice to leave with dignity.

I realize this is not what's written in the bible and if they turned me back at the Pearly Gates as a result.....................then that's probably not a place where I'd want to spend eternity anyhow.....my .02

10-23-2014, 09:10 AM

Personally I think the details on how are much less important than the fact that a person should have the choice to choose their own fate.......why should someone with a terminal disease be forced to endure the often pain and suffereing vs. having the choice to leave with dignity.

I realize this is not what's written in the bible and if they turned me back at the Pearly Gates as a result.....................then that's probably not a place where I'd want to spend eternity anyhow.....my .02

Agreed.....I watched it with my grandpa....Its the saddest thing watching someone so strong and tough fade away and deal with so much pain and suffering.
Going through Chemo and Radiation only to end up in hospice at home.....Def a bad way to go out....

10-23-2014, 10:21 AM
One should have some control their own destiny. Where she is at the law states she has to take the drug herself....no one can administer it for her and she has to be in a clear state of mind. I am 100% for this in cases such as this one.
Its all sad but I believe its sadder to let someone struggle when there is no other answers.
She's a strong woman to put this out in the public to bring more awareness to the process. Kudos to her on that. I wish her surviving family members peace and love.

10-24-2014, 12:59 PM
One should have some control their own destiny. Where she is at the law states she has to take the drug herself....no one can administer it for her and she has to be in a clear state of mind. I am 100% for this in cases such as this one.
Its all sad but I believe its sadder to let someone struggle when there is no other answers.
She's a strong woman to put this out in the public to bring more awareness to the process. Kudos to her on that. I wish her surviving family members peace and love.

I agree. My uncle who had prostate cancer, which spread to his organs by the time he had the courage to figure out why he was in pain, was given 8-12 months to live. Even his own children who rightfully yet selfishly didn't want to lose him felt horrible for all the pain he was in. He decided to self administer his what I like to call "peace" at home with his children and wife at his side.

I applaud her for sharing her story and helping others who have to endure the same pain.

Sent from my Bat Cave

10-24-2014, 01:20 PM
Just finished this great documentary on Netflix called "How to Die in Oregon"
Terminal people are so Happy Death with Dignity is in place in Oregon. They say its the last thing they have actual control over.

10-24-2014, 01:21 PM
Sad deal.

10-30-2014, 07:52 AM
New video posted by Brittany....


11-03-2014, 06:20 AM
Well she did it last night.

11-03-2014, 06:32 AM
well she did it last night.



11-03-2014, 07:08 AM
RIP.....I hope she is in a better place!!

11-03-2014, 07:50 AM

Sent from my Bat Cave

11-03-2014, 07:58 AM
I was reading about this last night...Def a sad story and I wish her family the best having to deal with such a tragic loss.

HB Vic
11-03-2014, 08:14 AM
I've intentionally steered away from this for personal reasons. But this is the most heartbreaking and courageous story all wrapped in to one I've seen in a long time. This 29 year old girls wisdom is amazing. And her mothers words were never truer.

No one, not your friends, parents, kids, co-workers, the government, or your preacher. No one, has the right to tell you how to live or in this case die. I can't imagine going through what this poor girl went through. Knowing, without a doubt, that you're going to die, and then having everyone and their uncle and brother telling you what you should do. Unless they're going to support your life 100% without question, then they have absolutely zero right telling you how you should die.

When my time comes, if it does not come quickly, I can only hope I have the courage to do what she did.

Rest in peace.