View Full Version : Boat type haters....

03-03-2014, 02:38 PM
So how many of you out there (besides Grads) really and truly HATE on a "type of boat" other than what you own, drive or like?

Let me premise this with the fact that I am an owner, boater, lover, enthusiast and true to the core v-driver, but have owned a whacker, a family size bow-rider I/O and a jet (for an insanely short period of time) too in my lifetime. But yet I find that I have no problem what-so-ever with all the types of boats that are out there.

Im asking this only because I find so many that are of one 'type' or another and just cannot appreciate anything about another type; whether it be its size, length, use, engine(s), etc.

The lake crowd cant except the jet or ocean crowd, or the jet crowd cant except the v-drives, or (some in the) race crowd cant accept ANY CROWD that doesnt have a boat that can do over 100mph... is that why everyone wants to go 100mph in a boat to be 'accepted' by these people???

really? whats your opinion, I know you all got ONE!

03-03-2014, 02:53 PM
How can one hate a boat of any type? Except if you're a tree hugger. No matter what the type, the owner is having a good time which is what it is all about.....even with a Bayliner.......

I can see how people hate roll bar boats because of the wake they can create but it all goes back to the driver and their respect and knowledge of what is around them.

03-03-2014, 02:53 PM
I like all types, I do find it gay to turn on the jet-ovaries when they pass the Sandbar though.( supposed to be jet ovator, phone keeps auto correcting to ovaries so I went with it. :D )


03-03-2014, 03:03 PM
I love any kind and size of boat as long as it has a key with at least one engine and I don't have to paddle.

Oh, and a cooler has to fit in it..............lol :partyguy:

03-03-2014, 03:11 PM
I don't hate on any particular type of boat, at one time or another I've owned most all types, including the sport fishing ocean goers.

But I've gotten older (OK OLD by some standards) and as such I got rather spoiled how things used to be. Used to be a 22-24' boat was almost large for Lake Havasu, hell I used to run my Hondo flat on Havasu and the only real limiting factor was gas and wind. Now I sit on my deck and see lovely 42' million dollar rigs blowing by at 140 weaving between folks cruising along in their pontoon boats.

I don't hate those boaters, I just wished the F*** they'd take em to big blue.

I don't hate the wake board or ski boats, hell I grew up with early 40's Chris Crafts up at Lake Arrowhead, but we didn't fill up bladders and plow around creating tsunami waves all day.

I don't hate folks who feel the need to project their taste in music by blasting it all over the lake, I just wish there was a hunting season for them.

I've owned jet boats, if I played on the river I'd probably own one or at whacker, I just don't much care for the drivers when they're running up my wife's ass when she's on her PWC and they're using her to break the waves.

I don't much care to listen to an extremely loud exhaust unless the boat creating the noise is actually going fast, at least that way you thing "Oh Cool" as they blow by.

We haven't cruised the London Bridge channel in 20 years, there's nothing there I need or want and I'm not big and breathing blue smoke and sitting in a haze all day.

I'm just getting old and still have a vivid memory of how awesome boating used to be, "Used To Be" being the key words here.

This isn't exactly how "I Feel", this is more the PG version :tongue:

03-03-2014, 03:41 PM
I dont hate, I appreciate all boat types!

03-03-2014, 03:50 PM
I like all kinds of boats...the more time I spend on different types of boats the more I appreciate them.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm happy in a floating device as long as I'm on the water and I have a beverage. :D

Sent from my Bat Cave

03-03-2014, 03:55 PM
I used to like it when guys would hate on the Miller Jet.

If I couldn't beat their pile with the jet, I'd show up with the BBC Flatty.
If that didn't do it, I'd show up with the hydro.

I like them all.

03-03-2014, 04:03 PM

03-03-2014, 04:09 PM
Jets are my favorite right now, maybe cause I currently own one, and they seem a lot more low maintenance than having a drive. Plus we spend a lot of time way down river near Blythe, some of the river is only like 6 feet deep.. And v drives have no steering in reverse and all my v drive buddy's can never just pull up on the beach, they always gotta deal with anchoring it out

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03-03-2014, 04:13 PM
We all joke about it, but i like any kind of Boat, and Yes, I've even owned a Jet boat :P

What I dislike are the people that bitch and whine and snivel about loud boats, big wakes, people going too fast, etc. :wink:

03-03-2014, 04:20 PM
I dislike 28' Eliminators, cuz they make too big of a wake, are too loud and the assholes that drive them go too fast.....:biggrin:

03-03-2014, 04:25 PM
I dislike 28' Eliminators, cuz they make too big of a wake, are too loud and the assholes that drive them go too fast.....:biggrin:

X2.. those guys are assholes... :asshole2::moon::kissit:

03-03-2014, 04:29 PM
X2.. those guys are assholes... :asshole2::moon::kissit:

They also party too much and have too good of a time at security guards expense....:party1::box:lmao

03-03-2014, 04:34 PM
Every type of boat has it's place for recreational boating and all of them are good for floating/drinking.:thumbsUp: I wish everyone would start out with a flatbottom / runnerbottom with an over ride pedal so they could learn how to actually DRIVE. That being said none are good for everything. I got no problem with a wakeboard boat throwing a big wake if the person behind it is rolling/flipping or trying to. I got no problem with a 35' +offshore ocean boat driven by some wealthy gastro- enterologist who just sold his 19' Reinell hauling ass on a small lake or river if it's during a rare designated event. I got no problem with skilled stand up jet skiers or experienced boaters who are older and now on sea doos who actually look back a lot while they are driving. It's the other 95% of the folks in those 3 categories I definitely find myself hating on , especially when it's the fuckin' weekend. I've got no idea why anyone would waste perfectly good:deadhorse: negative energy on jet boats, wackers, or v-drives, but that's just me:deadhorse:

03-03-2014, 05:02 PM
I like all kinds of boats...the more time I spend on different types of boats the more I appreciate them.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm happy in a floating device as long as I'm on the water and I have a beverage. :D

Sent from my Bat Cave

I like Terri's floatation devices too...........a lot.

03-03-2014, 05:03 PM
I like Terri's floatation devices too...........a lot.

Yea it's nice to come equity with them ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave

03-03-2014, 05:08 PM
Schiadas.......:thumbsdown.......:popcorn:You should be nicer.....just sayin :hilarious:

03-03-2014, 05:09 PM
I dislike 28' Eliminators, cuz they make too big of a wake, are too loud and the assholes that drive them go too fast.....:biggrin:

X2.. those guys are assholes... :asshole2::moon::kissit:Hard to argue with you guys.......when you're right, you're right :D

03-03-2014, 05:14 PM
You should be nicer.....just sayin :hilarious:

I get that a lot..:wink2:

03-03-2014, 05:28 PM
I like every type of boat. If I had unlimited funds I would probably have several different types for everything from river running to being in the ocean. :)

Sharp shooter
03-03-2014, 06:09 PM
I don't "hate" any type of boat particularly. I do think people cruising the river in offshore boats look like complete dorks, but I don't "hate" the boat because of it.

For me, it's all about the rush. The bigger rush your boat can give me the more I'll probably like it. :thumbsUp:

03-03-2014, 06:11 PM
I like every type of boat. If I had unlimited funds I would probably have several different types for everything from river running to being in the ocean. :)The only type of boat MM doesn't like is one he has to pay for :D

03-03-2014, 07:27 PM
How can someone hate on a boat no matter what it is? Its all about having a good time and enjoying life with family and friends. Although, I do prefer bigger, louder and faster myself.

03-03-2014, 08:14 PM
Ok, I'll bite on this one but I've erased what I've written 3 times and got myself all pissed off and shit thinking of past examples and I havent even had a drink yet. So now I will just summarize by saying that I dont hate boats, just the assholes that operate them with no respect for how their actions affect other boaters/skiers/etc. Nuff said. cya

Sharp shooter
03-03-2014, 08:30 PM
I do prefer bigger, louder and faster myself.

Louder and faster never equals bigger. Just sayin... :D


03-03-2014, 08:54 PM
if it floats and has a motor thats all you can ask for

03-04-2014, 05:40 AM
When a boat has a rusty smile on the side of the block from forgetting to winterize....I hate it.

When a boat carries one or more bikini clad buxom beauties, I like it.

When it's an overloaded loud and drunken sausage fest it usually gives plenty of reasons to hate it.

If it's towing me back to the ramp because of a bad kill switch, regardless of what is stated above....I like it.

03-04-2014, 06:54 AM
Ok, I'll bite on this one but I've erased what I've written 3 times and got myself all pissed off and shit thinking of past examples and I havent even had a drink yet. So now I will just summarize by saying that I dont hate boats, just the assholes that operate them with no respect for how their actions affect other boaters/skiers/etc. Nuff said. cya Well Said.

Can't blame the boat types or sea-doer's, it's their lack of common sense that affects us all. Then add a little alcohol to someone with little or no boating experience and you have a recipe for disaster. Those are the ones you need to keep an eye out for...

The same goes for the knuckleheads at the boat launch. If your new to boating and are clueless on how to back down a boat, take that thing to a big empty parking lot near where you live and practice till you figure it out. I taught my 16 year old son how to do this at one of the casino parking lots last summer. Then I let him step up to the plate and launch the boat at Katherines, no big deal!!!

My blood is starting to boil gotta go...

03-04-2014, 08:28 AM
The only type of boat MM doesn't like is one he has to pay for :D

So true Paul. And I like free rides and free drinks. Hint hint. :)

03-04-2014, 08:40 AM
I hate all boats i cant smash across gravel bars @ 100mph :)

HB Vic
03-04-2014, 09:58 AM
I hate all boats i cant smash across gravel bars @ 100mph :)

Ok spill it, lets have the story behind that LOL :D

Welcome to www.hotboat.com (http://www.hotboat.com) !

03-04-2014, 10:35 AM
Ok, I'll bite on this one but I've erased what I've written 3 times and got myself all pissed off and shit thinking of past examples and I havent even had a drink yet. So now I will just summarize by saying that I dont hate boats, just the assholes that operate them with no respect for how their actions affect other boaters/skiers/etc. Nuff said. cya
HaHa I did the same.

The question was “Boat Type Haters” so I’ll stick to the topic, I don’t think there is any “Boat(e) Type” I really hate. They all serve a purpose for their intended use depending on what type of Boating you’re into.
And with that said I won’t bag on anyone’s Boat no matter how bad IMO it might be ie: looks, condition, gel, type propulsion etc. We’re all out on the water to have a good time, that’s really what it’s all about.

The hate part is where the intended use is misused and or compromised. This might require a new Tread:hmmm:

03-04-2014, 12:23 PM
No prejudices...
most sail boaters I have met or know deserve to be hated on
majority of pwc riders encountered need hat and/or worse
and that is coming from someone who has rode jet skid for 20+ years
even owned a "sit down" for a few years

03-04-2014, 03:59 PM
While I am not a particular category boat hater, I do dislike disproportionately sized boats on smaller bodies of water. I.E. 30'+ boats at Parker...not a fan.

HB Vic
03-04-2014, 04:30 PM
While I am not a particular category boat hater, I do dislike disproportionately sized boats on smaller bodies of water. I.E. 30'+ boats at Parker...not a fan.

Are you saying a 42' Fountain in Parker would fall in to that category? :D

03-04-2014, 04:37 PM
I hate all boats i cant smash across gravel bars @ 100mph :)


He's one of those white water jet boat crazy F'rs.

HB Vic
03-04-2014, 04:39 PM

He's one of those white water jet boat crazy F'rs.

He's gotta share with the rest of the class. I need to see this :D

03-04-2014, 04:40 PM
While I am not a particular category boat hater, I do dislike disproportionately sized boats on smaller bodies of water. I.E. 30'+ boats at Parker...not a fan.

I totally agree. :wtf: Leave that big ass ship on the water it belongs on.

Are you saying a 42' Fountain in Parker would fall in to that category? :D

I remember an OP6 bash in Parker T&B was with a buddy that had I think a 38 footer it may have been a 42. They had a rough time turning that biatch around a few times:schreck:

03-04-2014, 07:15 PM
While I am not a particular category boat hater, I do dislike disproportionately sized boats on smaller bodies of water. I.E. 30'+ boats at Parker...not a fan.

Parker is so small that it seems anything over 26' would be a real pita just to maneuver around, it is a little comical watching the bigger boats run there but again its not the boats I hate.

03-05-2014, 05:30 AM
In general I really do despise wake board boats. Most of the times they have very careless drivers.

03-05-2014, 01:02 PM
I don't hate any boat. Like has been said here many times over, each boat has it's place...
That being said; :wink2:


Just kidding!!!

03-05-2014, 01:23 PM
i don't hate any boat. Like has been said here many times over, each boat has it's place...
That being said; :wink2:


just kidding!!!




03-05-2014, 01:49 PM


ch3no2Was that before or AFTER he went blowing by you :hilarious:

03-06-2014, 02:04 AM

WTF...man that made me crack up...:asshole2:

03-06-2014, 04:49 AM
WTF...man that made me crack up...:asshole2:

Yea, I'll bet Grads liked it too. :D