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01-25-2014, 10:42 PM
It's funny....when I turned 30 everyone older than me said "your 30's are the best years"....when I turned 40 they said "your 40's are the best years". It got me thinking. What really are the best and worst years? My 20's were pretty damn good but if you pinned me down to a number I would say so far 35 was the best and 40 was the worst. I was in the best shape of my life at 35 and my money guy told me congratulations you are a millionaire! At 40 all within one year I lost my business, my dog, one of my best friends passed away and I got bitch slapped with cancer. What's yours?

01-25-2014, 10:47 PM
Funny, My 20's were tough starting out raising a family. My 30's kicked ass and my 40's were my favorite. I'm only 52 and if the rest of em are this good, then the 50's will be my favorite. Check back in when I'm 65.

01-25-2014, 10:58 PM
I started a family at age 20, tough to grow up and be responsible for a child.
30's I started a new life(aka wife) but my early life experience didn't amke it nearly as stressful as before...good times overall.
40's pretty damn good for the most part, small stuff I didn't sweat like before.
heading into my 50's my body ached and balked at my guilty pleasures more, and now approaching 52 with two blown knees and arthritis in a few places has slowed some of my physical playtime a little, but I keep trying ;)

01-25-2014, 11:07 PM
I got out of the Navy at 21, went to college, got a degree that no one wanted. Went to the railroad. 20's were the hardest because there is so much pressure to get it going, to get a life going, and then I fucked it all up and got married for all the wrong reasons. Spent my thirties divorced and partying at the river with buddies and running trains everywhere, met Chrissie and threw it all out. Marrying Chrissie was the best thing I ever did. She is everything I never knew I always wanted in a woman. Married her at 39 and the 40's have been the best years ever. Would not change a thing in my life, as hard as it was at times. I am a firm believer that every thing you do, every decision you make, good, bad or ugly, brings you to the point your at today. I would not change the path that led me to her. Here come the 50's Napa, lets make them great brother!!

01-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Yep Tish, my Girl of 4 yrs. is a godsend. I feel for the people stuck in a shitty marriage. no growth ,just anger and no progress.

01-25-2014, 11:33 PM
Yep Tish, my Girl of 4 yrs. is a godsend. I feel for the people stuck in a shitty marriage. no growth ,just anger and no progress.

You always hear guys saying "she makes me a better man" You know what? She does. As does yours brother...best to you sir....

01-25-2014, 11:45 PM
And to you too sir, I spent to many years with a woman trying to tear me down, but ended with one that builds me up.

01-26-2014, 07:21 AM
I count all my years (54) as a Blessing. Granted some years are better than others but I always try to look at the positive or better yet turn the negative situation into a positive one. If life were all peaches and cream life would pretty boring while learning very little about who we really are as individuals when were up against a wall.

01-26-2014, 08:31 AM
2013 was one of my favorite years. I learned life has no limits or boundaries. My only limitations are what I place on myself. I also really got a grasp of the fact that being alone is a physical state...being lonely is a state of mind. I'll never be lonely again.

My 20's I worked so hard it was insane, worked full time and went to school full time, then law school, first five years I practiced law my short work days were 12 hours long. But, I must admit my most memorable day was being sworn into the CA Bar. I was so proud to have accomplished my biggest goal in life, as I was being sworn in by the federal justice tears started pouring down my eyes, I resorted to just mouthing the words because I could no longer get them out. My older sister and I were sworn in the same day. I don't think there was a more proud parent in the room than my mother. We asked Judge Cannon to swear us in at the same time (you get sworn in by federal justice and then a state judge) and Judge Cannon says "this is my first threesome" my sister and I couldn't stop laughing. Mother had no clue what that meant and I'm guessing neither did Judge Cannon.

2009-2011...was like living a nightmare, but it made me realize how strong I am and not to sweat the small stuff. Life's too short to be miserable. If you're not adding to my life in a positive way, don't let the door hit you on the ass when I kick you out :D

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 09:22 AM
I wanna go back to my 20's.

01-26-2014, 09:24 AM
Good for you Eli!!

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01-26-2014, 09:24 AM
I wanna go back to my 20's.

This^^^^^ for sure

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01-26-2014, 09:33 AM
2013 was one of my favorite years. I learned life has no limits or boundaries. My only limitations are what I place on myself. I also really got a grasp of the fact that being alone is a physical state...being lonely is a state of mind. I'll never be lonely again.

My 20's I worked so hard it was insane, worked full time and went to school full time, then law school, first five years I practiced law my short work days were 12 hours long. But, I must admit my most memorable day was being sworn into the CA Bar. I was so proud to have accomplished my biggest goal in life, as I was being sworn in by the federal justice tears started pouring down my eyes, I resorted to just mouthing the words because I could no longer get them out. My older sister and I were sworn in the same day. I don't think there was a more proud parent in the room than my mother. We asked Judge Cannon to swear us in at the same time (you get sworn in by federal justice and then a state judge) and Judge Cannon says "this is my first threesome" my sister and I couldn't stop laughing. Mother had no clue what that meant and I'm guessing neither did Judge Cannon.

2009-2011...was like living a nightmare, but it made me realize how strong I am and not to sweat the small stuff. Life's too short to be miserable. If you're not adding to my life in a positive way, don't let the door hit you on the ass when I kick you out :D

Sent from my Bat Cave Eli, does the name Gilbert Ochoa ring a bell. He was a D.A. in Orange Co. at one time and probably a Judge by now. I use to go surfing with Gilbert years ago and suddenly life goes on... Congrats on reaching your goals truly an accomplishment.

01-26-2014, 09:33 AM
Varies for me.
The last 2 years (mid to late 30's) have been great watching my daughter grow and my oldest step-son getting accepted and attending college. I would say the last 3 years have been the best years for the family and career. Prior to meeting my wife, I would say 25-30 was awesome when I was single; I was a IT consultant living the House of Lies stereotype for consultants (work hard and party harder when not working), but my girlfriends were front desk staff at hotels I lived in and when I was home at my place it was very lonely. Glad I stopped doing that and met my wife at 30.

01-26-2014, 09:38 AM
Eli, does the name Gilbert Ochoa ring a bell. He was a D.A. in Orange Co. at one time and probably a Judge by now. I use to go surfing with Gilbert years ago and suddenly life goes on... Congrats on reaching your goals truly an accomplishment.

The name doesn't ring a bell. I've had very few cases in OC and when I did they were all in the Complex litigation Dept. I may run into him in the future as I'm no longer going to be in the CLD.

Thank you, I'm very goal oriented, I won't let anyone/anything stop me. So when I accomplish a goal, I just feel like a million bucks. But, there's always another goal lined up quickly.

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 09:45 AM
Good for you Eli!!

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Thank you!

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 09:52 AM
I wanna go back to my 20's.

I wouldn't go back to my 20's I was a broke college student, then an even more broke law school student, everything stressed me out, and I was a perfectionist. I didn't appreciate life.

Now, I'm thrilled just to stand on a surf board, at work while everyone is bitching about how hard their job is, I smile and give them a "why you're lucky to be here" fact and help them see the positive side.

Life is awesome! If it gets better than today, fuck I'm the luckiest person I know!

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 10:03 AM
I wouldn't go back to my 20's I was a broke college student, then an even more broke law school student, everything stressed me out, and I was a perfectionist. I didn't appreciate life.

Now, I'm thrilled just to stand on a surf board, at work while everyone is bitching about how hard their job is, I smile and give them a "why you're lucky to be here" fact and help them see the positive side.

Life is awesome! If it gets better than today, fuck I'm the luckiest person I know!

Sent from my Bat Cave

My 20's were awesome. I had a great job. A ton of friends. I had a bunch of money in the bank. I lived at home for very cheap. I came and went as I wanted. Was at the river 2 or 3 weekends out of the month. Had a cool truck and boat. Always had a chick a phone call away. It was good times for sure.

01-26-2014, 11:02 AM
The 20's were good. The first half of them I partied hard and banged anything walked. I met Mrs. Daytona at 23 and settled down a little and bought my first house at 25. The 30's were great. I got married at 30 and by 35 I was a millionaire (short lived). Mrs. D and I pretty much bought and did everything we wanted to and were still young enough to really enjoy it. 39-40 sucked ass!!! Within the course of a year I lost my business, one of my best friends, my dog, pretty much everything I owned and I was told I had cancer. It seemed like every time I asked "what else could possibly go wrong?" it got worse. My 40's are getting to be fun but only because I've embraced the fact that I'm not 20 anymore.

01-26-2014, 11:19 AM
The 20's were good. The first half of them I partied hard and banged anything walked. I met Mrs. Daytona at 23 and settled down a little and bought my first house at 25. The 30's were great. I got married at 30 and by 35 I was a millionaire (short lived). Mrs. D and I pretty much bought and did everything we wanted to and were still young enough to really enjoy it. 39-40 sucked ass!!! Within the course of a year I lost my business, one of my best friends, my dog, pretty much everything I owned and I was told I had cancer. It seemed like every time I asked "what else could possibly go wrong?" it got worse. My 40's are getting to be fun but only because I've embraced the fact that I'm not 20 anymore.

You had melanoma right? What kind of treatment did you have to get?

01-26-2014, 12:18 PM
My 20's were a blast...I don't know if they could have been any better. LOL. I met my wife when I was 25 and we got married when I was 29. We continued to have a great time. Things slowed down a bit when we had kids. All my friends got RV's and instead of going to party in Vegas, we would go camping for long weekends with all the kids. We had a group of about 10 RV's (including my parents) that went on pretty much every trip together. I reconnected with Grads & Mrs. Daytona in about 2008 after quite a few years and he got me on the Forums. My 40's have been great so far. I definitely have had a great time in 2012 & 2013 with all the people I have met through the forums.

01-26-2014, 12:30 PM
You had melanoma right? What kind of treatment did you have to get?

I got off relatively easy. I had a section on my back removed along with 9 lymph nodes in my armpit. I had a tube sticking out of the side of my chest as well as a bag that I had to carry around for three weeks. I also had to do a topical chemo treatment (Fluorouracil) that essentially eats your skin for about a month.

I think about you all the time man....I hope you're doing okay.

01-26-2014, 12:37 PM
I got off relatively easy. I had a section on my back removed along with 9 lymph nodes in my armpit. I had a tube sticking out of the side of my chest as well as a bag that I had to carry around for three weeks. I also had to do a topical chemo treatment (Fluorouracil) that essentially eats your skin for about a month.

I think about you all the time man....I hope you're doing okay.

This is probably the only time you can say that and not creep a guy out ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 01:02 PM
The 20's were good. The first half of them I partied hard and banged anything walked. I met Mrs. Daytona at 23 and settled down a little and bought my first house at 25. The 30's were great. I got married at 30 and by 35 I was a millionaire (short lived). Mrs. D and I pretty much bought and did everything we wanted to and were still young enough to really enjoy it. 39-40 sucked ass!!! Within the course of a year I lost my business, one of my best friends, my dog, pretty much everything I owned and I was told I had cancer. It seemed like every time I asked "what else could possibly go wrong?" it got worse. My 40's are getting to be fun but only because I've embraced the fact that I'm not 20 anymore.

You didn't lose everything, we have our house, nice cars, a boat and you forgot to mention the best part....you have me :D

01-26-2014, 01:06 PM
You didn't lose everything, we have our house, nice cars, a boat and you forgot to mention the best part....you have me :D

Looks like one of those will be gone next week. ;)

01-26-2014, 01:06 PM
You didn't lose everything, we have our house, nice cars, a boat and you forgot to mention the best part....you have me :D

You have to remember he's a bit dramatic ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 01:08 PM
My 20's were a blast...I don't know if they could have been any better. LOL. I met my wife when I was 25 and we got married when I was 29. We continued to have a great time. Things slowed down a bit when we had kids. All my friends got RV's and instead of going to party in Vegas, we would go camping for long weekends with all the kids. We had a group of about 10 RV's (including my parents) that went on pretty much every trip together. I reconnected with Grads & Mrs. Daytona in about 2008 after quite a few years and he got me on the Forums. My 40's have been great so far. I definitely have had a great time in 2012 & 2013 with all the people I have met through the forums.
Wife and I met in my mid twenties and married late 20's as well. We did all the fun stuff with all the other single and married friends, but we were one of the only couples that continued to do the fun stuff(boating, dunes, camping, etc.) once we all started having children. Hell, I'd been doing it all along since I already had a boy from my previous marriage, he was always in the middle of all our parties and camping trips. Some epic and classic pictures with him being in the middle of it all, like him in control of the beer tap, or being tossed around in the lake by everyone...makes me laugh thinking of that stuff. :D
It was kinda sad that many of our friends more or less fell off the face of the earth when they had kids.

01-26-2014, 01:10 PM
Looks like one of those will be gone next week. ;)

Oh sh*t..Are you trying to tell me I'm going to have start paying alimony? ;)

01-26-2014, 01:18 PM
Oh sh*t..Are you trying to tell me I'm going to have start paying alimony? ;)

I'll represent you! You have nothing to worry about ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave

01-26-2014, 04:22 PM
Oh sh*t..Are you trying to tell me I'm going to have start paying alimony? ;)

"Thank You Button" Clicked. :LMAOsmiley::LMAOsmiley: Now that is funny.

01-30-2014, 12:37 AM
It looks like 44 is going to be great! ;)

01-30-2014, 12:58 AM
I don't care about the house, the boat, the cars, anything. If I lost it all tomorrow as long as I had Chrissie I could go start over and rebuild somewhere else. I learned a long time ago not to get too attached to things...my wealth is in my wife....

01-30-2014, 01:00 AM
I don't care about the house, the boat, the cars, anything. If I lost it all tomorrow as long as I had Chrissie I could go start over and rebuild somewhere else. I learned a long time ago not to get too attached to things...my wealth is in my wife....

I did exactly that in 2009-2010

01-30-2014, 08:52 AM
The best comes in a few categories... I think... It's too hard to choose...

Mid 80's, living on my own in Chicago, my wallet was fat and I had just finished my first harley, living large and traveling the globe with my job...

Watching my son being born, as his head popped out and he was looking strait up at me... I lost it and cried like a baby, forever changed me...

Standing chest deep in the Big Piney river fishing for smallmouth and goggle eye with my father...

My kids first day of school and the field trips when they were little...

HB Vic
12-18-2017, 10:59 AM
Best? thats a tough one
Worst 2014, 2015, 2017 LOL

12-18-2017, 11:53 AM
Can you have a best and worst in the same year???

HB Vic
12-18-2017, 11:56 AM
Can you have a best and worst in the same year???

Technically yes. But I pulled a couple 49/51%'rs and came up with mine LMAO

12-18-2017, 09:16 PM
Best? thats a tough one
Worst 2014, 2015, 2017 LOL

2017 too?

HB Vic
12-19-2017, 06:24 AM
2017 too?

I’m on a roll lol

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12-19-2017, 06:32 AM
No mater what I have a good time... sometimes I make believe I'm having fun...