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View Full Version : Blythe Solar Project?

11-07-2012, 10:37 AM
I've been watching this being built while traveling back and forth to Blythe. I figure it to be some kind of solar project, it's about 16 miles west of the Blythe airport across from the prisons, anyone have info. on it?

HB Vic
11-07-2012, 10:40 AM
I dont know much about that project, but from your pics it looks like its solar vs PV. Which means there are steam turbine(s) there.


11-07-2012, 12:49 PM
Google is your friend...

Project Vitals

Proposed Location: Two miles north of U.S. Interstate-10 (I-10) and eight miles west of the City of Blythe in an unicorporated area of Riverside County, California.

Electricity Production Capacity: 1,000 megawatts.

Company: NextEra Energy Resources, LLC.

Acreage: 7,025 acres of BLM land will be disturbed by project construction and operation.

Status: The project as originally approved was sold to NextEra Energy Resources, LLC. The BLM is awaiting receipt of a revised application.

Public Comment: The project as proposed has been approved, and there is no comment period at this time. If the project undergoes any further environmental review, additional opportunities to comment will be made available.

Electrical Transmission Connection: A 230kV gen-tie line will connect the solar energy generating facility to the Southern California Edison Colorado River Substation, located 5 miles to the southwest.

History from Wikipedia:

HistoryBlythe Solar was to be a $6 billion parabolic trough solar thermal plant, comprising four 242 MW units, located on 7,025 acres (28.43 km2) of Bureau of Land Management land, about 8 miles (13 km) west of the city of Blythe.[4][5]

The California Energy Commission unanimously approved the project on September 15, 2010.[6][7][8] The Bureau of Land Management cleared the project to go ahead on October 25, 2010.[9]

In April 2011, the U.S. Department of Energy offered a $2.1 billion conditional loan guarantee to Solar Trust, to reduce the interest on the $2.8 billion cost of building the first half of the project.[10] The offer was rejected by Solar Trust.

In August 2011, Solar Trust of America announced that the first half of the project would use photovoltaic panels instead of solar thermal power.[11][12] Solarhybrid is in talks with First Solar for supply of photovoltaic modules.[13]

In 2012, Solar Millennium tried to sell its stake in Solar Trust to other German solar energy developer, Solarhybrid;[14] however, this deal collapsed after all three companies filed for bankruptcy protection.[15] NextEra Energy Inc. was the top bidder for the project, according to an attorney representing creditors.[16]

11-07-2012, 03:30 PM
Google is your friend...

Project Vitals

Proposed Location: Two miles north of U.S. Interstate-10 (I-10) and eight miles west of the City of Blythe in an unicorporated area of Riverside County, California.

The site that I'm asking about is another 15 miles west and 5 miles north of I-10, last time that I searched the web for it I did not find any info., thanks for trying though.

11-07-2012, 03:38 PM
My brother goes out there weey to service account is there anything specific that you are interested in?

11-07-2012, 03:40 PM
My brother goes out there weey to service account is there anything specific that you are interested in?

I'm just curious as to what it is, thanks for the offer though.

11-07-2012, 04:47 PM
I'm just curious as to what it is, thanks for the offer though.

its a boiling pot they are using mirrors in that tower to heat the pipes to make steam for the steam turbines

11-07-2012, 04:48 PM
I've got a buddy that's been working out there for the past.month or so. When he's off ill get.some details out.of him.

11-07-2012, 05:41 PM
Scratch thats, he's at the red.bluff sub I guess.