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12-06-2013, 02:31 PM
For some time now ive had suspicions of a friends wife not being faithful. (Not a horribly close friend but we hang out often enough) a couple of weeks ago that suspicion became a reality. Basically I caught her sucking face with the guy I had suspicions about. Im 95% positive she doesn't know that I know.they've got about 6 yrs invested together with no kids. She is very clear she wants them and he is very clear he does also but wants to wait 3 yrs. He wants a promotion that will have him working like a slave till he gets it.ive distanced myself from them a bit and thats been noticed.do I tell him??

12-06-2013, 02:34 PM
Dahm straight !!!!!!!

wouldn't you want to know, but make sure your 1000% sure, you guys may or may not be friends anymore after this, but I would tell him.

12-06-2013, 02:44 PM
Arrange it so he finds out on his own.

Sharp shooter
12-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Tell him so he can empty the joint accounts before she does.:raining:

12-06-2013, 02:59 PM
Don't say shit until you have concrete evidence to present.

A really good friend of mine's wife was fucking the best man from their wedding for a while. This was his so-called best friend from 2nd grade. She tried fucking me a few times and through all of this we found out she really got around during this marriage. I knew from day 1 she was a dirty whore, but what could I do? He wanted to marry her. ..So I knew about it for over a year, but I couldn't say anything because he was pussy whipped and I knew if I tried to say anything she would deny it and throw me under the bus which would kill our friendship. I knew in due time he'd find out. One day that "friend" left his phone sitting on the table, so I started going thru his pics and there were naked pics of his wife in it that she sent him so I showed him. Their divorce just became final a few weeks ago.

When my buddy asked me why I never told him and I said I didn't want to ruin our friendship and I knew in time he'd find out or I'd figure out a way to tell him.

12-06-2013, 03:24 PM
She tried fucking me a few times and through all of this we found out she really got around during this marriage. I knew from day 1 she was a dirty whore, but what could I do?

You could have secretly taped your encounter with her to prove it to your buddy. That would have saved him the cost of the wedding and divorce.

12-06-2013, 03:25 PM
And to the original question, I would make sure he found out in one way or another before they have any kids.

12-06-2013, 03:29 PM
That's such a tough place to be McRibbie… I hate people who aren't faithful!!! Fuck I wanna smack some sense into her! Wait until you have solid proof, then say something. Or let him know exactly what you saw. Just keep in mind it will turn his life upside down…until he realizes he deserves better.

I had a friend who use to try to use me to cheat on her husband. She would ask me to hangout with her and the guy and I tried to talk her out of it every time. Finally, I got so fucken annoyed I threatened her…it was a baseless threat, but I said, "I think your husband is a great guy, if you cheat on him, I will tell him and I will be waiting for him when he leaves your ass! If you can't appreciate him, I CAN!"

I think the thought of another woman stealing her man made her want him more. Oh well, I wouldn't have stolen him but it was the only way I could think of to get her to realize what she had.

12-06-2013, 03:39 PM
McRibbie? LOL...

12-06-2013, 03:58 PM
You could have secretly taped your encounter with her to prove it to your buddy. That would have saved him the cost of the wedding and divorce.

There was no talking him out of it.

12-06-2013, 03:59 PM
And to the original question, I would make sure he found out in one way or another before they have any kids.

Or before she gets knocked up by her flavor of the week and claims it's his.

12-06-2013, 04:14 PM
There was no talking him out of it.

Even with pics of you nailing her? Now that's stupidity!

12-06-2013, 08:30 PM
I'm around the corner from your work. Let me know his name and I'll swing by.

12-06-2013, 08:54 PM
Don't say shit!!! Trust me on this when I say it won't turn out well for you.

12-06-2013, 08:56 PM
Don't say shit!!! Trust me on this when I say it won't turn out well for you.

That's why he should have you do it while you're down here.

12-06-2013, 09:03 PM
Is she hot? If so, you know she cheats...bang the shit out of her! I won't tell anyone. ;)

12-06-2013, 09:10 PM
Is she hot? If so, you know she cheats...bang the shit out of her! I won't tell anyone. ;)

That's not a fair assessment! Just bc a girl is hot doesn't mean she cheats! I'm gonna have to kick you for that tomorrow ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave!!!

12-06-2013, 09:14 PM
That's not a fair assessment! Just bc a girl is hot doesn't mean she cheats! I'm gonna have to kick you for that tomorrow ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave!!!

Okay, yes it reads that way but that's not what I meant. I meant to say he's already seen her cheat.

12-06-2013, 09:15 PM
Okay, yes it reads that way but that's not what I meant. I meant to say he's already seen her cheat.

Oh come on! Don't take it back! I really wanted to kick you tomorrow. Sheesh now I can't!

Sent from my Bat Cave!!!

12-06-2013, 09:24 PM
Oh come on! Don't take it back! I really wanted to kick you tomorrow. Sheesh now I can't!

Sent from my Bat Cave!!!

Kick him anyways. Just for thinking like that. :/

12-06-2013, 11:07 PM
I can't tell you what to do or how to handle the situation with your buddy but I guarantee your buddies wife and her friends already know what is going on. Just remember this, the longer the game is played the bigger the stakes and the greater the pain...