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12-03-2013, 01:03 PM
I've got a reputation to maintain ;)

Sent from my Bat Cave!!!

That right there is the whole truth and nothing but the truth :)

12-19-2013, 09:21 AM
I have a question:

Last Friday I went to a bar where a friend is the bartender, started talking to the guy sitting next to me. I have zero interest in dating the guy. He made a few subtle attempts which I turned turned down and then before he left he had his liquid courage ask me for my number…UGH! I didn't know what to say. I know I will run into him again at the bar, so I caved and gave it to him…actually he didn't ask he said, "write down your number for me". Well he called me about 15 minutes after leaving and left some obscure message, then he text me and a few hours later he called again. Now here's my pickle…I never called back or responded to the text, I'm just not one for reply to drunk people.

1. I enjoy going out and talking to people, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to date them or hook up. How do I say "I'm not interested" without lying or being mean?

2. Also, what do I tell this guy when I run into him again? I like the bar and want to go back.

3. Why aren't the ones I like responsive? :love:

12-19-2013, 09:42 AM
Ignore the calls and texts, and when you see him tell him you aren't intersted in dating right now.

12-19-2013, 09:44 AM
Tell him you got back with your girlfriend

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

12-19-2013, 09:51 AM
Ignore the calls and texts, and when you see him tell him you aren't intersted in dating right now.
x2..... You aren't every obligated to give a guy you're number. Just say I'm sorry but I'm not interested or I'm seeing someone right now. Period you don't have to explain yourself ever.

12-19-2013, 10:10 AM
Ignore the calls and texts, and when you see him tell him you aren't intersted in dating right now.

Doesn't saying "right now" suggest that I would be interested at some undetermined point in the future? I've tried that line and it back fires. I've even tried the "I am looking for a husband" line in an effort to let a guy down nicely and had the "well I'll just rock your world in the interim" reply.

Tell him you got back with your girlfriend

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
I've never met a guy that's stopped after hearing that ;)

x2..... You aren't every obligated to give a guy you're number. Just say I'm sorry but I'm not interested or I'm seeing someone right now. Period you don't have to explain yourself ever.

I just need a polite way of saying "I'm not interested in dating you, ever" I feel terrible, when I turn someone down, because I don't like hurting people's feelings.

This is the Phone number to give them if yon don't to go out with them. (631) 403-2022 it's legit, it's just a nice way for you to tell them so they don't feel bad. Get it a call it's just a recording.:3:

You're funny! I'll just give them your number and you can tell them for me;)

12-19-2013, 10:15 AM
Eli i see you didn't call the number.

I did…It's a trip to the Bahamas thing.

12-19-2013, 10:20 AM
Tell them it's your Girl night out.

Remind me to :fighting: when I see you :angry:

12-19-2013, 11:40 AM
I've Got It ! Tell him after the Penis removal, the transformation will be complete. Then you will call him. :speechless-smiley-0

12-19-2013, 11:42 AM
I've Got It ! Tell him after the Penis removal, the transformation will be complete. Then you will call him. :speechless-smiley-0

What part of "I don't want to lie" did you miss?

I need a polite way to say "beat it"

Sent from my Bat Cave

12-19-2013, 11:45 AM
Then just tell him the truth, I'm not interested in dating you. It's always the best policy.

12-19-2013, 11:46 AM
Then just tell him the truth, I'm not interested in dating you. It's always the best policy.

That's not mean?

Sent from my Bat Cave

12-19-2013, 11:49 AM
Hell no, it doesn't lead him on and it will kill any future conflict when you show up.

12-19-2013, 11:50 AM
Hell no, it doesn't lead him on and it will kill any future conflict when you show up.

Ok then I'll say that. I hope I don't end up with a glass of wine in my lap :D

Sent from my Bat Cave