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10-29-2013, 08:12 AM
Parker 336 Review:

Well my customary post wrap up of an event. I like doing a review of events I attend even more so if they are positive:

Preface: I know in the beginning there was a lot of anxiety about this event and even more so in the days leading up to the actual event. Change is hard for the old guard but let's face it they had their chance. As things would have it the new crew picked up the torch and were off and running. You guys did a great job putting on the event for your first try. They did manage to upset a lot of important people but all is not lost as inclusion is better than excluding those that desire to participate. On that topic I will simply say there is always next year.

It seems most of the racing crowd was on the fence but the die hard racers and enduro fans showed up with their best efforts.


Note:The event began on Friday with qualifying for each class. What I understood about qualifying is... the teams ran and set their respective lap times and boundaries to prevent sandbagging. This is somewhat suspect but I understand the intent. Note: This aspect needs polishing and transparency so it is clear to all about what is expected in each class. On this topic someone else should comment. I am certainly not qualified to comment on the desire and intent behind the qualifying rules and why they were adopted in such a fashion.

I did not know what to expect upon arrival at the Bluewater Casino in Parker Arizona on Saturday. However, once I parked I soon discovered the pits were buzzing with race preparations and everyone was hyped and ready to race. The purpose of my trip was to see what was going on and to talk with teams about their entry's and rationales from each team. In addition, I was gathering intel. to determine if I would be interested in either driving a leg or become part of an existing team or come up with my own vision. [I definitely have some ideas for Division 7.]


Although most of the people I talked to told me back in the day there were double if not triple the amount of boats participating in previous races. However, they were complimentary of those that showed up to run the best they possibly could. In my opinion and shared by many attending...winning the Parker Enduro is the goal of every team.

I really believe that most racers were on the sideline with a "wait and see" approach....namely if these guys [promoter/organizers] have some game they will be back next year and put their number in the hat to race. I would prophesize that the number of boats will double for next years Parker 336.

The teams that did show up did so in full force they were ready and not playing games they came to win their respective classes and or vie for the overall win. I commend and applaud all the racers. They spent time, money and put their differences aside to support and stand behind a race no one thought would be as successful. I would like to see a greater variety of boats participating. The jet boats for one need to increase their presence as well as the GN boats. Nothing is set in stone the difficulties faced in this race now have an entire year to be ironed out. It is my hope the powers that be will be inclusive and not obstructionist in opening the door for a variety of entries.


The race was well organized. I went up to the APBA booth and did some clandestine observations and they were very detail oriented and completely committed to safety of the racers including time of start and procedures. This impressed me and I was not able to review how the course and scope of tech inspections were carried out on Friday. The title sponsors were awesome. We all know without their financial contributions the race simply would not happen. The sponsors all get a big five star rating from me for not only providing financial sponsorship but they put boats in the water as well.

Note, Worthy Race Observations:

The start of the race from the shoreline...le man style start was awesome. I really enjoyed that aspect of the race. They had three classes or groups boats and the lone Div. 7 the [1350 Nordic which had a HUGE handicap] starting together. I was watching the lone Nordic boat wondering if they were ever going to start racing and no I am not joking. They were handicapped so bad I thought some mobsters took out some knee caps the night before. The boat did start and was impressive in all areas of acceleration to just flat out hauling the mail...power was a Mercury 1350 w/six drive.

I thought the course was really long and thus waiting for boats to loop around was not fun. On the flip side if you have more entries. The longer course would stretch the distance between boats. As a spectator I would have liked a shorter course...to see more side by side racing rather than long stretches of waiting for boats to come down the course usually solo.

On the topic of a red flag when the course is closed. I was wondering why everyone was coming in and restarting. They should have lap counters or telemetry to determine where each boat is on the course and restart according to the time interval and position on the course. This part was really confusing as to the what, why and rationale.

I also noticed the absence of any twin engine boats namely outboards?

Lastly, I think some things need to be polished as this is the first one [Parker 336] and I am sure the little stuff will get worked out. I really enjoyed going to the race and meeting the participating teams. The teams I spoke with and visited were nice, professional and friendly and that is saying a lot about the character of the teams who came out to race. This reminds me of a latin term "Victori Spolia" to the victor go the spoils. It says simply that the winners of war enjoy the spoils i.e. the property of the losers. To those that raced I commend you for your efforts.

Congratulations to all the teams and I hope everyone put's this event on their calendar for next year.


P.S. I did not get a chance to go to Pirates as I heard that was also a spot to view the race.

Footnote: I know a lot of interest in this event was generated in the last thread so I hope people enjoy my review.

10-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Thanks for the unbiased write up KAP. It was great to see you out there. I look forward to seeing you in the race next year. :thumbup:

10-29-2013, 08:40 AM
Well there you have it folks, the race was a complete success because a first time spectator said it was, and thats want determines what is or is not a successful event. Lets hope that ALL 26 starters feel the same way so that ALL 26 of them return next year to make it another great success.
By the way, there was NOTHING first time about any of it. Only the guys pocketing the money are different.

10-29-2013, 09:15 AM
Thanks for the write up, but quite frankly I was hoping for a little more bold print.

Best wishes,


10-29-2013, 09:16 AM
Well there you have it folks, the race was a complete success because a first time spectator said it was, and thats want determines what is or is not a successful event. Lets hope that ALL 26 starters feel the same way so that ALL 26 of them return next year to make it another great success.
By the way, there was NOTHING first time about any of it. Only the guys pocketing the money are different.

I have no opinion of you based on the fact i have never met you, other than what you post. I am wondering what you are really like in person. ??????

U jus seem like u hate the world. :) or maybe jus one person or event.

10-29-2013, 09:17 AM
I have no opinion of you based on the fact i have never met you, other than what you post. I am wondering what you are really like in person. ??????

U jus seem like u hate the world. :) or maybe jus one person or event.
Well you keep working on it Sherlock

10-29-2013, 09:24 AM
Well there you have it folks, the race was a complete success because a first time spectator said it was, and thats want determines what is or is not a successful event. Lets hope that ALL 26 starters feel the same way so that ALL 26 of them return next year to make it another great success.
By the way, there was NOTHING first time about any of it. Only the guys pocketing the money are different. Negative Nelly. You will never have anything good to say about this race, so best keep the rest of your opinions to yourself. None of us want to here it anymore, you've burned us out.

10-29-2013, 09:27 AM
Negative Nelly. You will never have anything good to say about this race, so best keep the rest of your opinions to yourself. None of us want to here it anymore, you've burned us out.

You saw that as a negative post. What was negative verses FACT! Is it the negative FACTS that bother everybody?
26 boats equals success verses 35 worst prior year equals failure so lets take the race over from those that are failing?
What was the entry number for the very FIRST 300? I think it was more than 26 starters.

If the spectator count doubles next year, but the boat count is half, is it twice the success

10-29-2013, 09:28 AM
Kap very well said and thank you for your review. We really appreciate the feedback. I, as a spectator, felt the longer course would have benefited with more participants. It got boring towards the end. Other than that we had a great time, wish you would have gotten WMC's PM so you could have come over to Mitch's dock and enjoyed WMC's tacos.

10-29-2013, 09:31 AM
You saw that as a negative post. What was negative verses FACT! Is it the negative FACTS that bother everybody?
All I'm saying is we have heard enough about how you feel about the race and the promoter of the race. Let's move on to the next race.

10-29-2013, 09:35 AM
Negative Nelly. You will never have anything good to say about this race, so best keep the rest of your opinions to yourself. None of us want to here it anymore, you've burned us out.

Thank you.

10-29-2013, 09:35 AM
All I'm saying is we have heard enough about how you feel about the race and the promoter of the race. Let's move on to the next race.

Thanks again.....

10-29-2013, 09:36 AM
Well there you have it folks, the race was a complete success because a first time spectator said it was, and thats want determines what is or is not a successful event. Lets hope that ALL 26 starters feel the same way so that ALL 26 of them return next year to make it another great success.
By the way, there was NOTHING first time about any of it. Only the guys pocketing the money are different.

I haven't responded to any of your posts. Let me preface by saying that you are very knowledgeable and I hope to meet you in person some day. With that said, you come off as the only way this race would have been a success "in your mind" was if the race was cancelled for some reason or if no racers showed up, or worse yet.... It is obvious to all of us that you are not happy with the situation and you are entitled to that, but it is starting to make it look like you just complain for the sake of complaining.

Much like RD I was in almost every pit area throughout the day shooting pictures and I casually asked for people's opinions. Some of these people were skeptics like yourself prior to the race...and some were actually GN racers :omg: The responses I got were a carbon copy of each other:

*They thought the race was well run and organized
*They liked that money was getting paid out to teams
*They said they will be back next year
*They LOVED the longer course (I can't emphasize this statement enough)

I did not get one negative comment and I asked. Like Wendi said, it is time to move on. The race happened and it is what it is. I hope to see you race next year. :thumbup:

10-29-2013, 09:40 AM
All I'm saying is we have heard enough about how you feel about the race and the promoter of the race. Let's move on to the next race.

The only way to shut this blowhard up is to take his soapbox away. ;) until then he's going to be the spoiled child screaming at the top of his lungs because he didn't get his way.

10-29-2013, 09:41 AM
All I'm saying is we have heard enough about how you feel about the race and the promoter of the race. Let's move on to the next race.

Yes time to move on, I don't think the enduro was really my type of racing anyway but the new season of SCSC racing in 4 weeks at Bluewater! really looking forward to that and hopefully seeing the GN7 boat out there again!

10-29-2013, 09:41 AM
Wow. The last two puts by rogerthat99 and river bound sure seem to hit the nail on the head. U guys deserve a drink on me. :)

10-29-2013, 09:43 AM
Let's all get back on track to the original meesage from KAP... His review of the Enduro 336.

10-29-2013, 09:44 AM
NOT TRUE. There could have been 50 starters and 25,000 paid out, and PROVED what I said about this fiasco wrong.
The way I see it, ANYBODY could take this race from RD and be MORE justified than RD every was. This was the definition of a complete failure.

10-29-2013, 09:47 AM
Let's all get back on track to the original meesage from KAP... His review of the Enduro 336. Roger just curious what was it about the longer course that they liked? It seemed to me the boats were alot more spread out, which I would have enjoyed seeing them running closer together and possibly more action?? Kind of like Nascar at the California Speedway, gets kind of boring to spectators.

10-29-2013, 09:48 AM
As usual Kap.:thumbup:Damn Bob,first chance you get take a table with Kap for a few hours.

10-29-2013, 09:49 AM
Negative Nelly. You will never have anything good to say about this race, so best keep the rest of your opinions to yourself. None of us want to here it anymore, you've burned us out.


10-29-2013, 09:49 AM
Well there you have it folks, the race was a complete success because a first time spectator said it was, and thats want determines what is or is not a successful event. Lets hope that ALL 26 starters feel the same way so that ALL 26 of them return next year to make it another great success.
By the way, there was NOTHING first time about any of it. Only the guys pocketing the money are different.

Note to GN7:

Please reread what I wrote and do not paraphrase the thesis of the review if you are unsure.

I know several teams which attended and paid money but did not start because of mechanical issues. Therefore, your participation number is a bit skewed to suit your agenda. Your agenda was noted opposition to the race director, organizer and promoter. Your attempt here is to minimize the participation in a race in order to downplay it's significance. However, try as you might in vain...winning the overall in this Parker 336 is a huge accomplishment. In addition, your comments are completely disrespectful to all of the people who did participate and as you stated before they put up the money to run...not you. Lastly, your role this year... is no better than a spectator... strike that as I do not believe you attended the event. Therefore, my comments have greater merit.

Contrary to your hopes the event was a success. To what degree... not completely 100%... but it's their first one and needs to be further refined. They will get the bugs out of the process. These events are like a work in progress just ask any race organizer but you already knew that.


Thanks Scott, I appreciate the kind words and hope to see you at the next event.


10-29-2013, 09:50 AM
NOT TRUE. There could have been 50 starters and 25,000 paid out, and PROVED what I said about this fiasco wrong.
The way I see it, ANYBODY could take this race from RD and be MORE justified than RD every was. This was the definition of a complete failure.
Bob, please? Let it go.

10-29-2013, 09:54 AM
Great review KAP!

10-29-2013, 09:56 AM
NOT TRUE. There could have been 50 starters and 25,000 paid out, and PROVED what I said about this fiasco wrong.
The way I see it, ANYBODY could take this race from RD and be MORE justified than RD every was. This was the definition of a complete failure.

Ok we fucking get it already! Get over it. The 336 happened and you could care less about RD! Move the fuck on or get lost with your negative bullshit!

10-29-2013, 09:57 AM
Let's all get back on track to the original meesage from KAP... His review of the Enduro 336. Roger just curious what was it about the longer course that they liked? It seemed to me the boats were alot more spread out, which I would have enjoyed seeing them running closer together and possibly more action??

With the longer course it have us a chance to run a better race. Although we broke early, there was less traffic and more room to run a better race. Although there were some lulls in the action. It did give plenty more areas for spectator viewing that wasn't available before. It also will give the ability to run higher boat counts safer in the future.

I definitely liked the longer course. Like has been stated before the cash payouts were nice. They don't cover the cost at all. But it was nice to be able to buy beers and be part of the action. We got $200 total. We didn't run qualifying due to our fuel issues and ended up going out of the race after 2 laps. Last year the winner overall didn't get shit. In fact they didn't even have a clear winner.

Like has been said by ALL who participated, it was a great event. And every team there was already planning for next year as well as any others that didn't race this year showing heavy interest in participating as we'll.

Th people that are bad mouthing the event are those that have a very obvious "agenda".

10-29-2013, 10:00 AM
With the longer course it have us a chance to run a better race. Although we broke early, there was less traffic and more room to run a better race. Although there were some lulls in the action. It did give plenty more areas for spectator viewing that wasn't available before. It also will give the ability to run higher boat counts safer in the future.

I definitely liked the longer course. Like has been stated before the cash payouts were nice. They don't cover the cost at all. But it was nice to be able to buy beers and be part of the action. We got $200 total. We didn't run qualifying due to our fuel issues and ended up going out of the race after 2 laps. Last year the winner overall didn't get shit. In fact they didn't even have a clear winner.

Like has been said by ALL who participated, it was a great event. And every team there was already planning for next year as well as any others that didn't race this year showing heavy interest in participating as we'll.

Th people that are bad mouthing the event are those that have a very obvious "agenda". Thanks Bill for the feedback. I totally understand now the longer track and yes plenty more spectator viewing locations. We have some great pics of Lynch running we were cheering you guys on!!!

Havasu Party Bus
10-29-2013, 10:02 AM
Well i don't have a dog in this beef and i havn't posted in any of this drama that keeps running around.
Will someone give me a call when all the bullshit drama gets cleaned out of the sandbox?
So i'm out for now.

10-29-2013, 10:05 AM
2337223373 These two racers seemed to be having a great time running the race. A thumbs up and a fist pump!!

10-29-2013, 10:11 AM
Well i don't have a dog in this beef and i havn't posted in any of this drama that keeps running around.
Will someone give me a call when all the bullshit drama gets cleaned out of the sandbox?
So i'm out for now.
Never introduced myself, but I was talking to you about your helicopter at the cantina. Did you get any good video of the race?

10-29-2013, 10:13 AM
Well i don't have a dog in this beef and i havn't posted in any of this drama that keeps running around.
Will someone give me a call when all the bullshit drama gets cleaned out of the sandbox?
So i'm out for now.

Dont call us we'll call you ;)

10-29-2013, 10:16 AM
NOT TRUE. There could have been 50 starters and 25,000 paid out, and PROVED what I said about this fiasco wrong.
The way I see it, ANYBODY could take this race from RD and be MORE justified than RD every was. This was the definition of a complete failure.

Honestly man, let it go.

10-29-2013, 10:21 AM
I saw Hill Propellers listed as a $1,000 sponsor, the check was for $2,550 ($2,000 sponsorship package, one $400 entry fee and $150 discounted entry fee because of sponsorship package). Hill Marine and Signature Propellers looks forward to being a sponsor again next year. Chad sold a prop to a guy on the launch ramp the weekend before the 336!

Having raced my first 9 Hour in 1967 and racing in everyone until about 1989, this year's Qualifying and Handicapping were outstanding. This was the 8th Enduro since I help revive the race, it was the best ever....The FREE Pig Bar-B-Que for driver's and crews was like the OLD DAYS when Slick Johnson (Inventor of the Jaws of Life...using Mercury Power Trim) used to have Shrimp Boils sponsored by OMC and Mercury!

The BIG COURSE brought back the feeling to the community that this is THEIR Race...Spectators lined the banks and roads on the cliffs to watch and wave to the drivers.

Great job, Scott and Dave!

Things like this are what the real racers who actually showed up to the event are saying about it. So we can either take a person who wasn't there and involved in the races judgment or people who actually were there and racing whether the event was a success or a failure.

10-29-2013, 10:22 AM
Ron Hill of Hill Propellers made a great post on RDP. I think he is well qualified to comment on whether the race was a success or not.

"Having raced my first 9 Hour in 1967 and racing in everyone until about 1989, this year's Qualifying and Handicapping were outstanding. This was the 8th Enduro since I help revive the race, it was the best ever....The FREE Pig Bar-B-Que for driver's and crews was like the OLD DAYS when Slick Johnson (Inventor of the Jaws of Life...using Mercury Power Trim) used to have Shrimp Boils sponsored by OMC and Mercury!

The BIG COURSE brought back the feeling to the community that this is THEIR Race...Spectators lined the banks and roads on the cliffs to watch and wave to the drivers.

Great job, Scott and Dave!"

10-29-2013, 10:23 AM
Thanks Bill for the feedback. I totally understand now the longer track and yes plenty more spectator viewing locations. We have some great pics of Lynch running we were cheering you guys on!!!

Next year we wk have lynches boat improved and if things go right we will be fielding two boats ;)

10-29-2013, 10:23 AM
Things like this are what the real racers who actually showed up to the event are saying about it. So we can either take a person who wasn't there and involved in the races judgment or people who actually were there and racing whether the event was a success or a failure.

Great minds think alike!! :D

10-29-2013, 10:28 AM
Ron Hill of Hill Propellers made a great post on RDP. I think he is well qualified to comment on whether the race was a success or not.

"Having raced my first 9 Hour in 1967 and racing in everyone until about 1989, this year's Qualifying and Handicapping were outstanding. This was the 8th Enduro since I help revive the race, it was the best ever....The FREE Pig Bar-B-Que for driver's and crews was like the OLD DAYS when Slick Johnson (Inventor of the Jaws of Life...using Mercury Power Trim) used to have Shrimp Boils sponsored by OMC and Mercury!

The BIG COURSE brought back the feeling to the community that this is THEIR Race...Spectators lined the banks and roads on the cliffs to watch and wave to the drivers.

Great job, Scott and Dave!"

Pretty cool .... love the history

10-29-2013, 10:29 AM
Bob, please? Let it go.

Seriously... someone needs a hug lol

10-29-2013, 10:32 AM
Great review Kap!

Is it me or has this race received more attention, both positive and negative, then any other race that has been posted about on HB?
I am strictly a pleasure boater but, in my opinion, this has been intense to read about.
Glad its over and looking forward the coverage in Phoenix.

10-29-2013, 11:20 AM
Parker 336 Review:

I thought the course was really long and thus waiting for boats to loop around was not fun. On the flip side if you have more entries. The longer course would stretch the distance between boats. As a spectator I would have liked a shorter course...to see more side by side racing rather than long stretches of waiting for boats to come down the course usually solo.

With the longer course it have us a chance to run a better race. Although we broke early, there was less traffic and more room to run a better race. Although there were some lulls in the action. It did give plenty more areas for spectator viewing that wasn't available before. It also will give the ability to run higher boat counts safer in the future.

I definitely liked the longer course. Like has been stated before the cash payouts were nice. They don't cover the cost at all. But it was nice to be able to buy beers and be part of the action. We got $200 total. We didn't run qualifying due to our fuel issues and ended up going out of the race after 2 laps. Last year the winner overall didn't get shit. In fact they didn't even have a clear winner.

Like has been said by ALL who participated, it was a great event. And every team there was already planning for next year as well as any others that didn't race this year showing heavy interest in participating as we'll.

Th people that are bad mouthing the event are those that have a very obvious "agenda".

I will say the longer course is a big help when you are the crew. It's a hectic time to get the boat on the water, figure out where you are supposed to be lined up, as it is announced less than 10 minutes before the start (which still is plenty of time, just a bit chaotic). Once the flag drops, you get a chance to relax before counting laps and getting back to your game plan. Another benefit is the pit traffic. With the field spread out, it's much less stressful making sure you have the trailer in position when the boat comes around for it's pit time, as there aren't many people pitting at the same time.

People have said there was a lull in the action, which I didn't notice, but maybe I am used to it from ski racing marathons, which uses a very similar course.

10-29-2013, 11:23 AM
Next year we wk have lynches boat improved and if things go right we will be fielding two boats ;)

No you won't, you couldn't even get the 1 you had to go 3 laps! :kissit:

10-29-2013, 12:00 PM
Never introduced myself, but I was talking to you about your helicopter at the cantina. Did you get any good video of the race?

Well i don't have a dog in this beef and i havn't posted in any of this drama that keeps running around.
Will someone give me a call when all the bullshit drama gets cleaned out of the sandbox?
So i'm out for now.


10-29-2013, 12:13 PM
That is just focking cool!

10-29-2013, 12:15 PM

Here is another of Havasu Party Bus / Mini Kat's copter.


10-29-2013, 12:34 PM

That's cool! Great review of the Enduro KAP. Thanks.

10-29-2013, 12:48 PM
Here is another of Havasu Party Bus / Mini Kat's copter.


Too bad no one got any pictures of it almost hitting all the spectators. Lol.

10-29-2013, 12:48 PM
No you won't, you couldn't even get the 1 you had to go 3 laps! :kissit:

Lol. :)

10-29-2013, 12:51 PM
Too bad no one got any pictures of it almost hitting all the spectators. Lol.

It buzzed about a foot over my head as it went into the crowd. I could have almost grabbed it. LOL.

Havasu Party Bus
10-29-2013, 12:52 PM

Here is another of Havasu Party Bus / Mini Kat's copter.

The're are no photos of me being there. So that means it was not me, Photos or it never happen.:thumb:

10-29-2013, 12:54 PM
Note to GN7:

Please reread what I wrote and do not paraphrase the thesis of the review if you are unsure.

I know several teams which attended and paid money but did not start because of mechanical issues. Therefore, your participation number is a bit skewed to suit your agenda. Your agenda was noted opposition to the race director, organizer and promoter. Your attempt here is to minimize the participation in a race in order to downplay it's significance. However, try as you might in vain...winning the overall in this Parker 336 is a huge accomplishment. In addition, your comments are completely disrespectful to all of the people who did participate and as you stated before they put up the money to run...not you. Lastly, your role this year... is no better than a spectator... strike that as I do not believe you attended the event. Therefore, my comments have greater merit.

Contrary to your hopes the event was a success. To what degree... not completely 100%... but it's their first one and needs to be further refined. They will get the bugs out of the process. These events are like a work in progress just ask any race organizer but you already knew that.


Thanks Scott, I appreciate the kind words and hope to see you at the next event.


I always enjoy reading lawyer memos when they're not directed at me. :D

10-29-2013, 12:57 PM
I always enjoy reading lawyer memos when they're not directed at me. :D

Lol. :)

10-29-2013, 02:08 PM
Nice job Kap.

HB Vic
10-29-2013, 02:52 PM
Kap, thank you for taking the time to write and post this. It is certainly appreciated and welcomed here.

I'll expand on this a little later. Right now I need to close up a little deal. Thanks again!!

10-29-2013, 03:30 PM
I always enjoy reading lawyer memos when they're not directed at me. :D

Well I did not include Exhibits for this memo or photographs of the scene:worthless_1_:.

Nice job Kap.

Thanks YoPengo! I enjoy doing a post event review. Hopefully people read it and share the experience albeit it would be better with photos and videos:).

Kap, thank you for taking the time to write and post this. It is certainly appreciated and welcomed here.

I'll expand on this a little later. Right now I need to close up a little deal. Thanks again!!

No Thanks, necessary! The volunteers and organizers of events do far more than people give them credit for!

HB Vic
10-29-2013, 05:54 PM
No Thanks, necessary! The volunteers and organizers of events do far more than people give them credit for!

Kap you touched on something I think deserves a little more discussion.

One of the things people don't realize is the tremendous about of work that is done by volunteers. Not to mention the endless hours of work the racers themselves put in. People get caught up in the politics of a race, or the who did this or who did that, and they forget about the dozens and dozens of people who worked their hind ends off to make a race like this happen. The last thing anyone should do is overshadow the efforts of these volunteers with politics, hearsay, and drama. The politics and inner-workings of an event like this should remain transparent to the fans, volunteers, and to an extent the racers.

To be honest, we don't want to hear about it. We want a good show and the best bang for our buck. What happens behind closed doors is none of our business, unless we choose to be involved. 99.9% of us don't choose to be involved in the administrative/political side, so we should be spared 99.9% of the drama.

I can't tell you the last time I heard drama about a NASCAR or NHRA race. All I know is I buy my ticket, show up, and watch some bad ass machines fly down the track. That's really all we care about for the most part.

So my hat is off to the numerous volunteers who make a race like this possible. Without the racers, their crew, families, supporters, and volunteers, a race like this (no matter who puts it together) would not be possible.

Thank you!!

10-29-2013, 08:06 PM
Kap you touched on something I think deserves a little more discussion.

One of the things people don't realize is the tremendous about of work that is done by volunteers. Not to mention the endless hours of work the racers themselves put in. People get caught up in the politics of a race, or the who did this or who did that, and they forget about the dozens and dozens of people who worked their hind ends off to make a race like this happen. The last thing anyone should do is overshadow the efforts of these volunteers with politics, hearsay, and drama. The politics and inner-workings of an event like this should remain transparent to the fans, volunteers, and to an extent the racers.

To be honest, we don't want to hear about it. We want a good show and the best bang for our buck. What happens behind closed doors is none of our business, unless we choose to be involved. 99.9% of us don't choose to be involved in the administrative/political side, so we should be spared 99.9% of the drama.

I can't tell you the last time I heard drama about a NASCAR or NHRA race. All I know is I buy my ticket, show up, and watch some bad ass machines fly down the track. That's really all we care about for the most part.

So my hat is off to the numerous volunteers who make a race like this possible. Without the racers, their crew, families, supporters, and volunteers, a race like this (no matter who puts it together) would not be possible.

Thank you!!

Extremely well said! I agree completely with your theory. Using NHRA as an example, when I was involved there was, of course tons of drama behind the scenes. However, that's where it stayed...BEHIND the scenes! We as professional racers knew that at the end of the day we were there to put on a show for the FANS as they are the ones ultimately paying for us to be there. Anyone that puts forth the time, effort and resources it takes to race any form of motorsport is obviously passionate about what they do, they have to be. However, the ones that bitch and moan about things they will never have control over can detract from the fan experience if their rants fall on the ears of a casual fan. There is a time and a place for such things.
I know nothing about the race of this topic, but after reading the rants and gripings, what on earth would make me want to attend such an event? If I didn't have the experience of considering such a source and taking everything on the Internet with a huge grain of salt, I would not consider this race.
I suspect others would feel the same way.

Black Dynamite
10-29-2013, 09:47 PM
I was a volunteer, have done it in years past and had a great time. As a patrol/tow boat, where else can you sit on the river right up next to the action and help out. It is the best place to view the race and add a little back to the history of the river. It was fun.

Plus I received a compliment from the people at Mitch's dock, "fastest plastic boat on the river"....

10-29-2013, 11:16 PM
23464my message is too short

10-30-2013, 06:53 AM
I was a volunteer, have done it in years past and had a great time. As a patrol/tow boat, where else can you sit on the river right up next to the action and help out. It is the best place to view the race and add a little back to the history of the river. It was fun.

Plus I received a compliment from the people at Mitch's dock, "fastest plastic boat on the river"....

We were at mitches dock good job out there!!!

HB Vic
10-30-2013, 07:13 AM
I was a volunteer, have done it in years past and had a great time. As a patrol/tow boat, where else can you sit on the river right up next to the action and help out. It is the best place to view the race and add a little back to the history of the river. It was fun.

Plus I received a compliment from the people at Mitch's dock, "fastest plastic boat on the river"....

Welcome to www.hotboat.com (http://www.hotboat.com) !

white tortilla
10-30-2013, 01:56 PM
BAN GN7!!!

js sayin

In Awe
10-30-2013, 02:01 PM
BAN GN7!!!

js sayin

They might have, hadn't heard from him in a while? Or they kicked out his soapbox from underneath him?

I don't want him banned, he is like a train wreck, and I just have to watch it.

Sent from my Liberated Droid X.

10-30-2013, 02:14 PM
BAN GN7!!!

js sayin

They might have, hadn't heard from him in a while? Or they kicked out his soapbox from underneath him?

I don't want him banned, he is like a train wreck, and I just have to watch it.

Sent from my Liberated Droid X.
He is not banned. As stated yesterday we have moved on from the subject, if you guys don't like him or his posts it's best just not to read them. Thanks!

white tortilla
10-30-2013, 02:16 PM
He is not banned. As stated yesterday we have moved on from the subject, if you guys don't like him or his posts it's best just not to read them. Thanks!

Im going back to RDP! :(

10-30-2013, 02:17 PM
Im going back to RDP! :(
Have a good day!

She's Mine
10-30-2013, 02:21 PM
Have a good day!

Excellent reply Wendi...

white tortilla
10-30-2013, 02:22 PM
Have a good day!

i think people will miss me too much here, ill just find the ignore button!

PS... Ban GN7!

10-30-2013, 02:24 PM
[QUOTE=white tortilla;48013]i think people will miss me too much here, ill just find the ignore button!

QUOTE] We welcome everyone!

white tortilla
10-30-2013, 02:26 PM
Excellent reply Wendi...

Excellent Observation of her reply...

10-30-2013, 02:27 PM
Excellent Observation of her reply... Are you here to start trouble?

white tortilla
10-30-2013, 02:30 PM
Are you here to start trouble?

depends which side of the bed i wake up on

10-30-2013, 02:37 PM
depends which side of the bed i wake up on Well when you wake up on the right side feel free to stop by.