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View Full Version : Neighbors with barking dogs

09-10-2013, 08:02 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than stapling them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?

09-10-2013, 08:06 AM
Are you freaking kidding? My neighbor has 4 of them. Little fuckers I want to kill them on most days. I've literally thought about it too! We have battled back and forth for YEARS!!! They act badass behind the fence but when they get out and I see them they run like little bitches. I dislike small yappy dogs. Resolution: Call everyday to the humane society and complain about barking dogs. They will come out and give them warnings, then they will start ticketing them, getting into their pockets. It works but you have to maintain consistency on this.

09-10-2013, 08:08 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than staple one them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?

I've been dealing with this for a good 10 years. Our neighbors just don't give a shit. If I can hear their dogs, so can they but they refuse to do anything about it. We've asked them, then resorted to animal control, that solved it for a bit, but it comes right back. They've got 3 dogs that bark all day.
2 weeks ago they went away for a week and left the dogs out back and had someone come over and feed them. I got tired of the barking, went over and opened up their house and put the dogs inside so they could shit and piss in the house and bark all they wanted.
They still bark but that made me feel better.

09-10-2013, 08:12 AM
i've been dealing with this for a good 10 years. Our neighbors just don't give a shit. If i can hear their dogs, so can they but they refuse to do anything about it. We've asked them, then resorted to animal control, that solved it for a bit, but it comes right back. They've got 3 dogs that bark all day.
2 weeks ago they went away for a week and left the dogs out back and had someone come over and feed them. I got tired of the barking, went over and opened up their house and put the dogs inside so they could shit and piss in the house and bark all they wanted.
They still bark but that made me feel better.

lol! 👏

09-10-2013, 08:12 AM
I've been dealing with this for a good 10 years. Our neighbors just don't give a shit. If I can hear their dogs, so can they but they refuse to do anything about it. We've asked them, then resorted to animal control, that solved it for a bit, but it comes right back. They've got 3 dogs that bark all day.
2 weeks ago they went away for a week and left the dogs out back and had someone come over and feed them. I got tired of the barking, went over and opened up their house and put the dogs inside so they could shit and piss in the house and bark all they wanted.
They still bark but that made me feel better.

09-10-2013, 08:13 AM
What about some "special Doggy Treats" Maybe soaked in anti-freeze???
Wait, did I just cross the line??? lol I would actually never do anything like that...
I am lucky enough not to have this issue with my neighbors dog or my dog for that matter.

09-10-2013, 08:15 AM
I've been dealing with this for a good 10 years. Our neighbors just don't give a shit. If I can hear their dogs, so can they but they refuse to do anything about it. We've asked them, then resorted to animal control, that solved it for a bit, but it comes right back. They've got 3 dogs that bark all day.
2 weeks ago they went away for a week and left the dogs out back and had someone come over and feed them. I got tired of the barking, went over and opened up their house and put the dogs inside so they could shit and piss in the house and bark all they wanted.
They still bark but that made me feel better.

That is so great!

09-10-2013, 08:16 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than stapling them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

09-10-2013, 08:20 AM
Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

Great visual blowing the horn in the owners face when they are trying to talk to you lol

09-10-2013, 08:20 AM
Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

Lmao, I can envision the guy starting to talk, then all he hears is the damn horn.

09-10-2013, 08:23 AM
Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

Oh yeah good one! Forgot WMC also recently bought the air horn deal. They aren't barking as much either. He would probably use it on the owner as well if he ever tried to say something. I'd like to add a disclaimer: I have a dog and I am also an animal lover, but just don't appreciate those that have dogs that bark all the time and owners that do nothing to stop it.

09-10-2013, 08:23 AM
NGE go get an air horn today then report back tomorrow.

09-10-2013, 08:26 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than stapling them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?

its real simple....you tell about the dogs... they do nothing.... you record the dogs barking....

when you get up... you turn on the recording threw the loud speaker...

I had the same problem, neighbor worked nights, the dogs would howl all night

when he got home he'd let the dogs in the house and go to sleep...

i'd turn on the recording.... and go get my roto hammer and start jack hammering the coletche right by his window

then i'd start cutting 2x4's with my skill saw...

he'd call the cops cause he couldn't sleep, so after the 2 or 3 hr deal he really couldn't sleep..

few days latter he got rid of the dog...

09-10-2013, 08:27 AM
its real simple....you tell about the dogs... they do nothing.... you record the dogs barking....

when you get up... you turn on the recording threw the loud speaker...

I had the same problem, neighbor worked nights, the dogs would howl all night

when he got home he'd let the dogs in the house and go to sleep...

i'd turn on the recording.... and go get my roto hammer and start jack hammering the coletche right by his window

then i'd start cutting 2x4's with my skill saw...

he'd call the cops cause he couldn't sleep, so after the 2 or 3 hr deal he really couldn't sleep..

few days latter he got rid of the dog...


09-10-2013, 08:28 AM
Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

I like this one:action-smiley-032:

09-10-2013, 08:28 AM
Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

Great idea, wish I had thought of that when we had the white trash next to us with 2 pitbulls that would bark all the time. But when they economy took the big dive they lost their house. Always a bright side to everything! Their damn dogs would start barking in the middle of the night I would get up and put the water hose on them.

09-10-2013, 08:29 AM
Thread of the day! Great solutions in here. LMFAO... :D

09-10-2013, 08:29 AM
Be careful there's some crazy fockers out there now, it's not worth my blood pressure and time, I'd call "johnny Law"

09-10-2013, 08:31 AM
Be careful there's some crazy fockers out there now, it's not worth my blood pressure and time, I'd call "johnny Law"

Problem there is here in Havasu they do nothing at all. Been there done that.

Universal Elements
09-10-2013, 08:56 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than stapling them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?

Eddie, I live next door in Irvine. A lot of ordinances are very similar in Newport, Costa Mesa and Irvine. When it comes to dogs barking they honestly don't put up with it. Click on the link below. Since you've tried talking to them, the only way they will start understanding is when it starts hitting them in the pocket book.


I have a 9 year old Jack Russell. He's a great dog and never barks except when the FEDEX, UPS come by or those people that throw advertising material at the door (probably senses that some of them are scoping out the neighborhood... hahaha). But he absolutely cannot stand possums. When the possum freezes on the fence - all hell breaks loose in the backyard. If were home, then no problem, we'll just bring him inside. But if were away, he'll run & ram the fence and will bark non stop. If he is successful in knocking him down off the wooden fence, the fight sounds and looks like WWW3. Luckily our neighbors know and will call us if he continues for over 15 mins. But I do have one pleasant jerk who loves to call the police for everything and the animal control in Irvine is part of the police division. They understood what was going on, but told me that if they have repetitive calls/complaints, it will start to be very expensive.

09-10-2013, 09:01 AM
I just blow the 12 guage over their house, It shuts em up for over a week then I just repeat the process. I also bought 2 roosters to annoy them too ! Then again I live in the desert.

09-10-2013, 09:02 AM
My wonderful neighbors have two small shitzus that bark nonstop all day and all night. This has been going on since they moved in at the beginning of summer. I've tried talking to them and they deny that the dogs bark. My other neighbor went to their door when they were home and they wouldn't answer. These dogs woke me up twice last night and I can't think of anything to do other than stapling them to their front door.

Anyone else had this issue with a neighbor? How'd ya solve it?

Yes, go online to OC Animal Control, there is a "Barking Dog Complaint Form" fill it out by answering questions and submit it. A OCAC officer will arrive at their door in a few days, asking to see their Dog Licenses, if there not on the dogs, or if their not Licensed, they may take them away.
This procedure used to be anonymous, but now the dog owners know who filed the complaint, who cares right.

I did this to my neighbor across the street from me, after repeatedly talking to them, offering them a barking collar anything that might help. The husband, the one with a uterus said (we don't want to punish our dog for barking, it's a watch dog) I said WTF FU A-Hole, that's when he ran into his house holding his dog like a little school girl, it was pretty fng funny.

Well it's been 7 or 8 yrs since, and they still don't make eye contact with myself or my wife, It's perfect. If you have another neighbor on the other side of their house or behind, talk to them, maybe they'll file one also.

09-10-2013, 09:30 AM
Roll a ton of dog chit in a brown bag put in on their porch on fire and ring their door bell and get away and watch, I know it's silly but hey WFT.

09-10-2013, 09:43 AM
I've been dealing with this for a good 10 years. Our neighbors just don't give a shit. If I can hear their dogs, so can they but they refuse to do anything about it. We've asked them, then resorted to animal control, that solved it for a bit, but it comes right back. They've got 3 dogs that bark all day.
2 weeks ago they went away for a week and left the dogs out back and had someone come over and feed them. I got tired of the barking, went over and opened up their house and put the dogs inside so they could shit and piss in the house and bark all they wanted.
They still bark but that made me feel better.


Have the same issue at my house, went down to west marine bought one of those air horns in a can, every time they started barking I went out to the fence and blew that thing until there ears blew out. No more barking plus when the owner tried talking to me I blew it at him too.

Hmm.. I have a few of those in the garage. Then I'd be the dick neighbor. Probably not the best idea. haha

NGE go get an air horn today then report back tomorrow.

How about I throw a brick of fire crackers over the fence?

09-10-2013, 09:49 AM
Eddie, I live next door in Irvine. A lot of ordinances are very similar in Newport, Costa Mesa and Irvine. When it comes to dogs barking they honestly don't put up with it. Click on the link below. Since you've tried talking to them, the only way they will start understanding is when it starts hitting them in the pocket book.


I have a 9 year old Jack Russell. He's a great dog and never barks except when the FEDEX, UPS come by or those people that throw advertising material at the door (probably senses that some of them are scoping out the neighborhood... hahaha). But he absolutely cannot stand possums. When the possum freezes on the fence - all hell breaks loose in the backyard. If were home, then no problem, we'll just bring him inside. But if were away, he'll run & ram the fence and will bark non stop. If he is successful in knocking him down off the wooden fence, the fight sounds and looks like WWW3. Luckily our neighbors know and will call us if he continues for over 15 mins. But I do have one pleasant jerk who loves to call the police for everything and the animal control in Irvine is part of the police division. They understood what was going on, but told me that if they have repetitive calls/complaints, it will start to be very expensive.

Thank you! I will file a compliant today.

I have a 6 year old beagle that howls a lil bit. He also has separation anxiety. So he'll sometimes cry for a few mins when I leave. So when I moved in I went to all my neighbors, introduced myself, explained that he sometimes howls, gave them my business card and told them to call me if there is ever a problem. I haven't had one single complaint. They actually think it's funny and love my dog. I understand that dogs bark. It's what they do, but you've got to keep it under control and be curious to your neighbors. These people clearly don't give a shit.

09-10-2013, 10:11 AM
Thank you! I will file a compliant today.

I have a 6 year old beagle that howls a lil bit. He also has separation anxiety. So he'll sometimes cry for a few mins when I leave.

Nobody's dogs ever bark. It's always the neighbors. :happy:

HB Vic
09-10-2013, 10:16 AM
Nobody's dogs ever bark. It's always the neighbors. :happy:


09-10-2013, 10:18 AM
Nobody's dogs ever bark. It's always the neighbors. :happy:

Lol. He's an inside dog. My neighbors feed him and walk him when I'm gone on weekends, so if he was annoying I'm sure he wouldn't be alive anymore! :)

09-10-2013, 12:11 PM
Yes, go online to OC Animal Control, there is a "Barking Dog Complaint Form" fill it out by answering questions and submit it. A OCAC officer will arrive at their door in a few days, asking to see their Dog Licenses, if there not on the dogs, or if their not Licensed, they may take them away.
This procedure used to be anonymous, but now the dog owners know who filed the complaint, who cares right.

I did this to my neighbor across the street from me, after repeatedly talking to them, offering them a barking collar anything that might help. The husband, the one with a uterus said (we don't want to punish our dog for barking, it's a watch dog) I said WTF FU A-Hole, that's when he ran into his house holding his dog like a little school girl, it was pretty fng funny.

Well it's been 7 or 8 yrs since, and they still don't make eye contact with myself or my wife, It's perfect. If you have another neighbor on the other side of their house or behind, talk to them, maybe they'll file one also.

do you get pm's???? can you call me???

09-10-2013, 01:49 PM
I have a 9 year old Jack Russell. He's a great dog and never barks except when the FEDEX, UPS come by

Too funny. We have an inside dog and an outside dog during the day. Outside dog hates the delivery peeps too.

09-10-2013, 04:02 PM
This appears to be a Runnin it Hard in Beaumont type of thread!!!!!

09-11-2013, 12:08 PM
This appears to be a Runnin it Hard in Beaumont type of thread!!!!!
