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View Full Version : Orange County Transportation Authority Warranty Coordinator

08-22-2013, 01:07 AM
Were actually hiring in our department after going through a 6 year hiring freeze. Its an entry level position but theres a ton of room to grow within the company once you've gotten you're foot in the door. Its a 9 to 5 (6:30-3:00 actually) M-F with full benefits and paid Vacation/Sick. Please be mechanically inclined and have some sort of automotive background before applying. Good luck!


09-04-2013, 11:59 AM
Were actually hiring in our department after going through a 6 year hiring freeze. Its an entry level position but theres a ton of room to grow within the company once you've gotten you're foot in the door. Its a 9 to 5 (6:30-3:00 actually) M-F with full benefits and paid Vacation/Sick. Please be mechanically inclined and have some sort of automotive background before applying. Good luck!

https://jobs-octa.icims.com/jobs/1379/associate-warranty-coordinator/job Is this position still available?

10-02-2013, 11:05 AM
Hey Waffles do you know when they will be calling for interviews on this position? Billy calls weekly but hasn't received a formal notice for interview process.