View Full Version : The Economy - your take

HB Vic
03-19-2013, 06:46 PM
At the risk of crossing our quasi non-political unwritten posting rules (lol), I thought it might be interesting to poll some disposable income spenders to see how you feel about our economy today.

Personally my primary business is busier than ever. I am forecasting our largest year ever, both in terms of revenue and income. Since 99% of our customers are Fortune 500 or Furtune 200 companies, our experience might be a little skewed. We did however see a fairly significant drop in revenue in 2010 and 2011. 2012 was somewhat flat. 2013 is going to be off the charts. And interestingly enough we have backlog for 2014'. Only one way to explain that, bizarre. But I'm not complaining.

However, thinking about a record year doesn't necessarily make me want to go out and spend a ton of dough on another something I probably dont need. I'm almost in that, lets wait and see what happens next year, mode. 2013, if it continues to do well, will more than likely be a replenishing year for me.

From my fairly narrow perspective, I do see things somewhat improving.

What do you see??

03-19-2013, 07:09 PM
Poverty Sucks is what I see......:welcome:

03-19-2013, 07:27 PM
Revenue is trending up at the company I work for, but since we are in Life Sciences only up 4% from last year.

Business is good, but most of my staff are worried about expense reduction and don't feel that they have job security like they have in the past.

03-19-2013, 07:48 PM
From my fairly narrow perspective, I do see things somewhat improving.

What do you see??

I have a fairly macro perspective of many companies in many sectors. I can talk about this stuff for days......just not right now when I'm home. NCIS is coming on in a few minutes and it will take me some time to type my answer if I get around to it. I'll find this thread soon enough though when I'm sittin at my desk.

03-19-2013, 08:09 PM
We are on par with both companies I'm involved with to smash last years numbers. As well as trending the same for future months. One busines is hvac and the other is oil distribution. The growth we are seeing has been nice but has been stated earlier. I'm not out spending any money just yet.

74 Howard 21rc
03-19-2013, 08:10 PM
Poverty Sucks is what I see......:welcome:
Hows the burger bussness treating you??? City life is good.Dont do anything but watch the grass grow and collect a pay check

03-19-2013, 08:10 PM
From New Years to Memorial is traditionally the slowest for me.

Last week, my biggest week to date and Saturday I broke the single day production record up 1500 units to 7500. However, the general feel from everyone is there's a monster in the closet. The most recent spending is projected (by my customers) as tax return money that will be presumably less for most people by next year. Retail is still flat but that usually doesn't come around until grilling season.

Are they getting it while it's hot or are the belt tighteners just loosening a strap?

HB Vic
03-19-2013, 08:19 PM
Are they getting it while it's hot or are the belt tighteners just loosening a strap?

The M&A people will tell you phat money peeps are sick of sitting on their dough and are looking to gobble up companies at record high valuations.

I'm still waiting for that phone call :shock:

HB Vic
03-19-2013, 08:31 PM
Are they getting it while it's hot or are the belt tighteners just loosening a strap?

A pretty easy pulse check is, check out your favorite restaurant on a Fri or Sat night. We hit 3 last Friday and had a hell of a time getting a table. Waits were longer than 1hr.

6mos-1yr ago there were no waits.

03-19-2013, 08:32 PM
The M&A people will tell you phat money peeps are sick of sitting on their dough and are looking to gobble up companies at record high valuations.

I'm still waiting for that phone call :shock:

I've seen it happen. I personally lost three customers last year due to sales of their companies. They weren't cheap either. From my previous employer, the IB/VC side was hummin!

03-19-2013, 08:48 PM
A pretty easy pulse check is, check out your favorite restaurant on a Fri or Sat night. We hit 3 last Friday and had a hell of a time getting a table. Waits were longer than 1hr.

6mos-1yr ago there were no waits.

Don't get me wrong, I love being busy but am I making any money making money? And, if these current numbers are full of crap, I let some people go and now I'm sitting in an EDD hearing about wrongful termination. I'm too pessimistic for this topic.

03-19-2013, 09:25 PM
A pretty easy pulse check is, check out your favorite restaurant on a Fri or Sat night. We hit 3 last Friday and had a hell of a time getting a table. Waits were longer than 1hr.

6mos-1yr ago there were no waits.

Very good way to see the pulse!

The Doctor
03-19-2013, 11:44 PM
Well more than 1/2 of my business is with investors who have been nearly non-existent for the past four years but they are getting sick and tired of less than 1% interest in the bank, stock markets that rise and crash like waves on the beach and unstable commodities that they are venturing back into undervalued real estate which is still plentiful. Those of us who were capable of riding the storm through have the potential to do well as a result of staying that course.

My summary is this:
We have figured out how to survive IN SPITE OF national economic distress. There's always ways for the hard working and intelligent folks to make an honest buck. :D

03-20-2013, 05:42 AM
My humble opinion...

To many damn taxes in Sweden!:action-smiley-060:

I still study, living of my dad and saving money for a proper boat! Phantom 21 or 20 :thumbsUp:
And the gas price is fecking high... Converted to USD, one gallon costs 8.8 USD atm...:schreck:

There! I will stop complaining now LoL.

03-20-2013, 06:47 AM
Well more than 1/2 of my business is with investors who have been nearly non-existent for the past four years but they are getting sick and tired of less than 1% interest in the bank, stock markets that rise and crash like waves on the beach and unstable commodities that they are venturing back into undervalued real estate which is still plentiful. Those of us who were capable of riding the storm through have the potential to do well as a result of staying that course.

My summary is this:
We have figured out how to survive IN SPITE OF national economic distress. There's always ways for the hard working and intelligent folks to make an honest buck. :D

Doc are you in the distressed RE business?

03-20-2013, 06:49 AM
My humble opinion...

To many damn taxes in Sweden!:action-smiley-060:

I still study, living of my dad and saving money for a proper boat! Phantom 21 or 20 :thumbsUp:
And the gas price is fecking high... Converted to USD, one gallon costs 8.8 USD atm...:schreck:

There! I will stop complaining now LoL.

Wow Zander cost of living over there is expensive. I hope you get your boat soon!!!

HB Vic
03-20-2013, 06:59 AM
My summary is this:
We have figured out how to survive IN SPITE OF national economic distress. There's always ways for the hard working and intelligent folks to make an honest buck. :D

Without getting political, I totally agree. I don't care who's "steering" the ship, I'm not along for the ride. I'll make my own waves thank you very much :D

03-20-2013, 08:15 AM
Kinda tough to answer. I have been kinda of a saver most of my life. I have been a big believer in balance and common sense. We do what ever we want to do and enjoy life but with common sense. We have desert toys. A few quads, jeep and a flat bed trailer. We have a blast when we go and have a big group we hang with. I would like to have a big enclosed trailer to keep it all in, but do not think it is a wise purchase. You get the idea.

I guess the biggest change we have made is going out to eat. We use to go 3-4 times a week to nice restaurants. Not fast food. Now we go once a week or so. It is not that we can't afford it, but just figured I can cook the steak just as good at home. We also tip less when we go. Use to ALWAYS tip 20% or more and now never more than 15%. The extra taxes I have to pay must come from somewhere.

My mentality is to stockpile as much cash as possible without altering our lifestyle to much. I plan to be prepared for anything our effed up government throws at us.

03-20-2013, 08:26 AM
I feel like statistics and reports are constantly being sugar coated and there is some level impending doom lurking inside the REAL numbers.
Personally things are doing well for me and my family, the local area seems to be picking up slowly, very slowly.
I think an again, VERY slow turn around is just starting to happen IN SPITE of policies and tactics being placed upon us.

03-20-2013, 10:05 AM
Just sat through a global economic presentation and the group (The Economic Institute) presenting is forecasting steady growth at a very small number (less than 4%) for the next 4 to 5 years. Shit hits the fan in 2020 when medical and social security really kicks in for baby bummers if nothin is done to government spending.

03-20-2013, 10:12 AM
My humble opinion...

To many damn taxes in Sweden!:action-smiley-060:

I still study, living of my dad and saving money for a proper boat! Phantom 21 or 20 :thumbsUp:
And the gas price is fecking high... Converted to USD, one gallon costs 8.8 USD atm...:schreck:

There! I will stop complaining now LoL.

$8!? WAJ! :schreck:

03-20-2013, 11:39 AM
$8!? WAJ! :schreck:

Taxes.... Taxes and even more taxes.... So you guys cant reallycomplain about the gas price compared to me :D
Got 3 cars, 3 boats and quite long to school. So gas Costs abit lol.
You all would pass out if you saw the taxes we pay each month... :P

03-20-2013, 01:09 PM
Taxes.... Taxes and even more taxes.... So you guys cant reallycomplain about the gas price compared to me :D
Got 3 cars, 3 boats and quite long to school. So gas Costs abit lol.
You all would pass out if you saw the taxes we pay each month... :P

I fainted a little just reading this post

03-20-2013, 02:33 PM
I think inflation has raised the price of beer and ribeyes and it pisses me off.

HB Vic
03-20-2013, 03:08 PM
I think inflation has raised the price of beer and ribeyes and it pisses me off.


03-20-2013, 03:12 PM
From what I am seeing, many companies had a good 2012. If they've been around long enough, 2012 wasn't as great as 2003-2007 but it was definitely better than 2009-2011 so they're having a positive outlook due to the upward trend. Profitability has also increased in many businesses due to substantially better efficiency ratios. With people afraid of losing their jobs, they're working harder which means the owner's don't need to hire that next employee. Why would they when that bottom dollar is there's. This reaction will keep unemployment reasonably high.

I'm fearful for some of the long term economic indicators that we're seeing. I'm thinking that if my sales goal is not met by June, we're going to start seeing some downward trends in compararable years and credit administrators are going to start getting happy feet again. Some say the beginning of 2013 is just some residual of 2012 but we'll see come the second half of the year.

Get financed while you can. Always grinding, you're only as good as your last sale.

The Doctor
03-20-2013, 08:17 PM
Doc are you in the distressed RE business?

Arizona Land Sales. No houses - just land! Anywhere in Arizona.

03-20-2013, 08:24 PM
Arizona Land Sales. No houses - just land! Anywhere in Arizona.

I did a few bulk RE deals in the last couple of years when RE was at a low and inventory was at an all time high. Now there is little inventory left in Az. It's crazy how it was once the worst state with foreclosures when the market crashed. Now values are up and the good deals are hard to come by. It's good for homeowners. I'm always in the market for a good distressed deal if you ever come across them.

03-20-2013, 08:29 PM
I really can't complain except when it comes to gas prices. We left our monies in the retirement fund when others were pulling it out and now we are better then before it went to crap. I just listened to my Broker, we made a few adjustments and he was 100% right on.

03-21-2013, 12:52 AM
Business for me has been great and I'm very thankful. Last year was the best year I've had in a while. My momentum into this new year was looking great but I part of me worried how things would be in 2013. However 2013 is already looking even far better than last year.

I see a lot of opportunity for a lot of people to make some serious money in these next few years.

03-21-2013, 06:55 AM
Business for me has been great and I'm very thankful. Last year was the best year I've had in a while. My momentum into this new year was looking great but I part of me worried how things would be in 2013. However 2013 is already looking even far better than last year.

I see a lot of opportunity for a lot of people to make some serious money in these next few years.

Are you RE agent or Mortgage loans?

03-21-2013, 06:59 AM
The price of decent land leases are going up and caps are going down. This tells me people are sick of the .001 money markets. Been looking for land leases for awhile and have one under contract now. The economy does seem to be improving......

HB Vic
03-21-2013, 07:11 AM
A grande latte is six bucks at Starbucks inside Ceasars and the line is a mile long.

You can get a better Latte at Central for $4. Sure I can afford the $6 latte but I'm not stupid :D

03-21-2013, 08:02 AM
A grande latte is six bucks at Starbucks inside Ceasars and the line is a mile long.

You can get a better Latte at Central for $4. Sure I can afford the $6 latte but I'm not stupid :D

$6 for a latte is just a plain waste of money. People will spend that every day and then complain that they cannot pay for their housing.

Offishial Business
03-21-2013, 08:06 AM
well this could get a bit sticky. ill just say its part of why i have been gone for a while.


03-21-2013, 08:13 AM
well this could get a bit sticky. ill just say its part of why i have been gone for a while.


Sorry to hear this hope everything gets better for you!

03-21-2013, 10:51 AM
Where do you people live??!!!
I have not seen a single thing that shows improvement. Every day it is worse than the day before around here. Not one sign of looking up other than a few of the people sitting on their money are tired of sitting.

Oh, you must make ammo. That is one gig looking better.

03-21-2013, 07:24 PM
Where do you people live??!!!
I have not seen a single thing that shows improvement. Every day it is worse than the day before around here. Not one sign of looking up other than a few of the people sitting on their money are tired of sitting.

Oh, you must make ammo. That is one gig looking better.

I live in Havasu,,,,,,,$$$ in RE and Stock Market. When everyone was pulling out I was puttin in,,,,,,,no pun intended,,,,,,,LOL!!

03-22-2013, 05:10 AM
Economy in TX never really suffered. My oilfield service company is doing very well.

The problem with my helicopter company is the drought is forcing all the cattlemen to reduce herds or sell out. Really sucks when 75% of my business is cattle work.

Aggie class of '97. WHOOP

03-22-2013, 05:32 AM
You ever do deer surveys copterzach?

03-22-2013, 12:50 PM
You ever do deer surveys copterzach?

All the time.

Aggie class of '97. WHOOP